Chapter 7: Sudden Involvement

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- With Team RWBY and Team MGMW... -

Having not seen their faunus teammates for a couple of days already, the two teams are understandably worried for them. Although Weiss is in the apathetic side of their spectrum and seemingly insensitive to the fauni, Team RWBY and Team MGMW nonetheless joined together to look for their teammates, splitting up frequently throughout the day to cover more ground since early in the morning.

Team RWBY themselves have had no contact with Blake ever since she ran away. In contrast, Millaray continues to inform them of how she and Blake as well as another person is doing, although the golden tiger faunus has abstained from telling them the places that they have been to so far. With nothing else that they could do, the teams have no choice but to track their teammates down manually and without a clue as to where they could be now.

The sun is already shining down on Vale itself and there is still no signs of Blake and Millaray anywhere. Wisteria tried to contact their teammate again but this time, she didn't answer, worrying Team MGMW.

"Come on, Millie, answer your scroll, please." Wisteria muttered as she tried again to call Millaray's scroll. She waited for while until the automated message telling her that the caller is unavailable sounded. Wisteria sighs in frustration, giving up for now. "It's no use. She's not answering." She tells her teammates who are similarly disappointed.

"Why is she not answering? Is her scroll out of power?" (Gareth) inquired to Millaray who shook her head.

"Her scroll is ringing so I don't think so. She's deliberately not answering for some reason." Wisteria answers his questions. (Morado) audibly sighs.

"*Sigh* She's called and texted us to update us on what they are up to at every step of the way. Now they go on radio silence. I don't like this one bit." (Morado) spoke.

"You think something happened to them?" (Gareth) quipped. (Morado) glanced at him, not liking what he just said, but understands that he speaks the possibility and is just as worried as he is.

"I hope not..." (Morado) said in a low tone. Wisteria shook her head.

"You two are worrying too much. Millaray is strong and she has Blake, and I guess that one guy with them as well. They'll be fine." Wisteria says to them, attempting to reassure them. "All we have to do is find out why and where they are right now."

"Do you know who could help us? The police!" Weiss suddenly remarked. While Wisteria is aware that it is not directed at her previous statement, the other two received the wrong impression that it is and (Morado) is especially angered, though he noticed it and tries to hide it.

"I'm sorry, Weiss, but what?" (Morado) quipped at Weiss, unamused at her suggestion.

"What?" Seemingly unaware of (Morado's) temperament, Weiss mused.

"The police are the last people that can help us. We're not looking for more trouble for them because there's no reason to."

"And it so happens that one of the fauni that we are looking for is a member of the White Fang!" Weiss tells him.

The three members of Team MGMW stared at her in surprise. "... What?" They mouth, confused.

"Was." Yang interjected, correcting Weiss' claim.

"Wait, Blake was White Fang?" (Gareth) questions. "How do you guys know this?" He questions further, understandably skeptical that a schoolmate was a member of a radical faunus movement.

"Well, she admitted it to us." Weiss mused. Yang leaned in between them again to correct the white haired girl's statement.

"It slipped." Yang corrects. At this point, Weiss is becoming slightly annoyed at Yang's antics.

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