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"Clay, watch out!"

The last words from George that I heard before I was completely knocked out by Tommy on the school courtyard in the neck.

I remember waking up in the nurse's office, seeing Tommy and George. And our teacher, Mr. Schlatt, who was with us on the courtyard apparently. As my eyes slowly opened, I saw that George was holding my hand tight. I didn't even know what was real and what wasn't. I squeezed his hand and spoke.

"W...what happened?" I asked softly, my voice raspy. It hurt to even speak. Luckily, the nurse knew. "Don't speak, hun." Nurse Alyssa sat down on the chair next to George and held a mirror in front of me, insisting on me to see how horrible my neck looked like. Then I saw it. My neck.

Full of bruises, red spots and blood. I looked back up at Tommy, who was being held by Mr. Schlatt. "I'll bring you to Principle Alex, now. Hm, Tom? How would that be? A little pep talk with 'im? Heh?" Mr. Schlatt pulled Tommy out of the office and slammed the door behind him.

George pressed a kiss onto my forehead and stroked through my hair. "I'm sorry what he did to you," he said, his voice as soft as a cloud. I couldn't speak, so I just cracked a smile at him and felt his lips against my forehead again. Nurse Alyssa smiled at us and walked out of the room.

"Oh and Clay, remember, you can speak. Just not too much. Don't get involved in any school fights anymore, okay?" I nodded and she left.

George cupped my face in his hands.

"You're so beautiful."

What? Did George really just say that? Wait, no. Was this even real? George called me something I wasn't.

I shook my head, but he told me again. "You're beautiful, Clay." His lips pressed against mine once more, the warm feeling rushing through my face. Good thing, it was probably hard to tell that I was blushing because of all the blood. I could tell that George was blushing, though.

Our lips seperated and I was lying there, beat-up and ugly as shit, while George had called me beautiful. He was the pretty one. He was that gorgeous boy that I had loved for months. The pretty boy with the brown eyes, that interlocked with mine, the boy with the soft brown hair, which felt like clouds, the boy with the oh-so-pretty face, whom which lips' pressed against mine, making me feel electric.

The boy, who loved me. Who had loved me back.

I lay there, crying tears of happiness. George still held me, just looking at me. His eyes were like stars, making the stars in the sky seem like nothing. George was my little star. Pretty star.

"You don't know how mad I am at Tommy for beating that pretty face of yours up." I scoffed, laughing at what George had said. But George was dead serious.

"I'm serious, Clay. I could kill him right now." Now, he was giggling his cute giggle again. I smiled.

I love him so much.

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