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George laughed. "He's mine." I stopped. HUH?! Did George just say that I'm his? After Wilbur said 'hot'? Why would Wilbur say that, though?

"George? Clay? Are you two...?" Tubbo insisted, looking us right into the eyes. While Tubbo was still very confused about George and me, Wilbur started asking us really weird questions.

"Do you guys know what orgasms are?" he asked, staring me right into the eyes. What the fuck? Why did he ask me that? George grasped for my arm and held it tightly. "Why would you ask that?" he said quietly, sort of giggling. Wilbur gave us a smirk. "I feel like one of you has experienced it, haven't you?" George stopped giggling and let go of my arm.

"Why would you ask them that, Wilbur?" Tubbo asked, pulling the taller boy from behind. "Tubbo, why are you pulling me back? I can do it myself," Wilbur said forcing Tubbo to let go of him. Then, he burst out laughing. And so did Niki and Ranboo and Tubbo. What is going on?

I looked down at George, slumped against the tree, a confused look on his face, just like me. "W-why are you all laughing?" I asked, quietly. Wilbur came back up to me and layed a hand on my shoulder.

"It's my usual first impression to new people." He laughed. Niki came up to me and whispered,"Don't worry, he's always like that. He wants people to think he's funny by making those types of... well, jokes. To him. It's funny, to him."

Looking at George and then back up at Niki, giving her a hopeful look, hoping she wasn't joking.

Wilbur came back to us and sat down in front of us two. He stared me right into the eyes and shook did the same to George. Then I realized that George and I were still holding hands.

Oh no.

"Are you two...gay?" Wilbur asked cautiously, pointing down to ours hands that were intertwining. I looked at George, about to say something to Wilbur. Something either completely irrelevant, some unfunny joke or some type of answer.

"I am gay," George said, looking me right into the eyes. I stopped. Wasn't he bisexual? Something changed him. Did I? Did I change his way of seeing the world? Cause he sure did to me.

Every time I see the color blue, I think of him. Of George. He's my blue, to me. He's amazing. He's an amazing person. An amazing boyfriend.

"You...you're gay? That's so cool man! I'm happy that...that you and Clay are...together. I guess. Nice to see you two together." Wilbur smiled at us and patted our backs in awe.


"Hey, Clay? Can I talk to you?" George and I had just gotten back from History class. It was Monday, a few days after we had met Niki and Wilbur. We were walking to the lunch room, lunch boxes clutched in our hands. George seemed concerned, so I wanted to do everything to make him happy again.

I love seeing him smile. I love seeing him being happy. And with him, Im nothing else but happy.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" I said, grabbing his hand, holding it tight.

Tears formed in his eyes. Oh no.

"George?! What's wrong? Hey, hey! Don't cry. What-what's wrong?" I was so scared. Did I do something wrong? Oh God.

He took my hands and looked up at me, eyes full of pain. I could sense his pain.

"I'm so sorry, Clay." He broke down onto the floor and started sobbing loudly. I knelt down beside him and hugged him from behind.

"George, tell me. Please, we'll go through it together." George shook his head. "No. No, Clay, you'll never ever want to see me again."

I shook my head. "George, what could possibly make me not want to see you anymore? Nothing." George cried even more now. What was going on? I was so worried.

"Just tell me George. Please." I was desperate to know. I needed to know.

He looked up at me and backed away. Oh my god. Oh no. Oh holy fuck. No, no, no, NO, NO, NO!!!

I could already feel the tears in my eyes. I knew what happened.

"Nick. It was Nick. I KNOW IT WAS A MISTAKE AND I'M SO, SO SORRY!!" George came back to me and I started crying. I saw it in his eyes, I saw it. The forceful sorrow. I wanted to forgive him, but I couldn't. I was too disappointed. Embarrassed. Sad. Angry. I just couldn't believe that someone that I had loved so much would do something like this to me. I thought he loved me back. I really did.

"CLAY!! I'M SO SO SORRY!! I SWEAR! A-and you have every right to be mad. Every single right. And if you want to- to break up...then I would understand. I'm sorry." George backed up against the lockers.

I could feel myself get lightheaded again. Was I about to faint? Please, no. God please. NO.

I just couldn't believe it. George. The boy whom I had loved most. The boy who I trusted blindly. I get it now. I was blinded. Blinded by love. I wanted to fucking punt Nick and George straight to the sun. I wanted to fucking die.

"Clay, please. I'm so sorry. I love you so much. It's you, not Nick. It's always been you."

Pfft. Mhm, sure. He fucked my ex-best friend and said that it was me. How fucking great.

"Get the fuck away from me."

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