The Other Twin

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A.N Lol, this chapter sucks. But hey, I banged my head really hard, so I'm not thinking properly. Anyways, I'm not supposed to be writing because of my huge concussion, but I felt so bad that I did anyways. I won't be 'officially' allowed until March break, but then I'll be stuck in Quebec... So, since I couldn't stand torturing my poor (not so) innocent fans, here is the next chapter. I hope you like; so fan, feedback, and that little like button in the corner.


Alex's POV


Screams echoed through the house. I marched down stairs and whipped out my wand. Turning to the man being tortured, I pointed my wand at him and cast a silencing spell before marching back upstairs. There, I lay in my bed and cry softly. I silenced him so I did not have to hear his cries of pain, yet father probably thought it was so I could sleep.

You're too soft.

Father would be torturing me if he knew that I did not like other's pain.

 I was too soft. I was a disgrace. I had to harden myself.

I pulled on some expensive black silks and brushed my mane of curled black hair. I walked back to the now mute man and pointed my wand at him.

"Crucio!" I yelled. And as he twitched, I grinned. "That's for waking me up."

Father nodded his approval and watched in glee as the man twitched in pain.

"Should I finish him?" I asked, and Father nodded again. I held the torture spell a bit longer before whispering two words. "Avada Kedavra."

"You're doing better with your curses."

"Thank you Father."

"Wormtail!" He yelled, and the pathetic Wormtail scurried in and hastily bowed.

"Yes master?"

"Dispose of the body."

"Yes master." Wormtail picked up the body and began to heave it away.  

Father than turned to me. "Child, I have a task for you."

Joy lit up inside me. A task? I had never gotten a task before, never left my home before. "What may I do for you Father?"

"I need you to do something that shall cost much for your self-control. In fact, you shall have to be kind to a Mudblood to help succeed!"

Vile disgust swept up inside me. A Mudblood? They were the lowest of the low, apart from Squibs. Father had told me of the Mudbloods, humans with the powers that should belong only to witches and wizards. It was revolting; I had to be kind to one.

"And a Weasley."

The red-head human-loving blood-traitors! Just as bad.

"And, worst of all, you shall have to befriend Harry Potter."

My hatred grew as much as my disgust. Do to that horrible Potter boy; my father had been bodiless for many years. Only last year did he finally receive his body. I knew if I ever met the Potter boy, I would quickly curse him. But I couldn't do that, I had to befriend the retched Boy Who Lived.

"Why!" I yelled furiously. Father looked at me coldly.

"Temper child."

I shut my mouth and tried to appear calmer. "I know it will be horrible, befriending that boy, but you must. I need you to take Hogwarts down from the inside. I need you to corrupt Harry's friends. Corrupt and destroy Harry. Maybe even find out what Dumbledore plans. Perhaps Severus does not know all his plans. But you get the point."

"How shall I achieve this?"

"You shall go to Hogwarts."

"But I never received a letter of invitation; they don't know I even exist. How will I get it?"

"How dare you question me?" He bellowed I bowed my head.

"I meant no disrespect my Lord, I was simply curious."

He sighed. "I've gotten Severus to do it, and for extra safety, he swore a blood oath and does not know who I am sending."



I waited impatiently, tapping my foot. Where are they? I pet Neleh's head. As if sensing my impatience, the dark snake coiled around my arm. Finally, the door opened and the Malfoys came in. They all bowed to my Father and I.

"The package?"

"Here my Lord." Lucius set down a parcel and, spineless man that he is, bowed again. I had spent much too much time with that man than I wanted. I remembered when I first met Lucius's wife, a much stronger person than Lucius himself.


It had been ten years since my Father was defeated by the wretched Harry Potter, and during that time I had been raised by a maid. But my dear maid had been killed. Shot by a muggle for the non-existent money in her wallet. I stood in the receiving hall of my manor with a death eater. The door opened, revealing a tall woman with hair as white as bone. "Why have I been summoned?" "You are to care for the Dark Lord's child." She did not seemed surprised I existed, which surprised me, few knew I lived. She raised her wand at the death eater and shot him dead, face expressionless as he fell to the floor. "Why?" I asked a simple one word question. "It was my orders; we cannot have too many knowing of you." "Who are you?" "Narcissa Malfoy. And you?" "Alexandra Riddle." She smiled another surprise for me for I have seen few smiles in my life. She took my hand and began to bring me outside. "So the Dark Lord isn't as heartless as he appears."


I still didn't know what she meant. But I lived at Malfoy manor for a year before being sent back. It would have made more sense if I had stayed; Father lived at Hogwarts during the time on that professor's head. I still remember how strange it was to see his face on that lowly wizard's body. After Harry had killed my Father's vassal, I was returned to the Malfoys until I was fourteen, when Father finally received his own body.

But Malfoy manor was as boring as here; I was constantly hidden and could never leave the grounds. It is why a small part of me rejoiced at leaving, but it remained small as I thought of where I was going. I picked up the uniforms and glowered at Lucius, who flinched at my gaze. Spineless weakling! He does not deserve to lick my Father's shoes, let alone serve him! If he was pure-blood, then I wondered how bad the Mudblood would be.

"You may go." We all bowed to my Father and left. I sat in the carriage and let a house elf load the baggage. The carriage took off, and my journey began.

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