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Alex's POV

"What do you want Draco? You're not very helpful to my mission by interrupting like this!"

"Sorry. But I had to know why you brought someone else with you for this."


"That girl! Why do you need a double to gain his trust?"

Suddenly it all made sense. He thought Pan was purposely brought along on this task to help me. It was probably too big a coincidence for him, the fact that Pandora was her black-eyed, straight hair twin that had mysteriously joined Hogwarts at the same time even though this school barely ever accepted transfers. All you had to do was put a slight wave-curl in her hair and give her green contacts, then she could pass as my double! "I don't. Pan is not one of us."


"The girl who looks like me you idiot!"

"I just thought it was an odd name."

"Well I quite like it. Pandora is a dark name, it's too bad she isn't dark herself; a double could prove useful." I mused, plans forming through my head. Of course, I could never use them unless she joined my father. Suddenly I snapped out of it. "Are you done yet? Every moment with you is disintegrating Hermione's trust, and, by consequence, Harry's."

"Yea, I'm done." He turned on his heel and left. How rude! No one displays such rudeness to the heir of Slytherin without punishment! I considered casting Crucio, but didn't want anyone to walk in and see it. Apparently the three curses were forbidden here, and that certainly wouldn't help me gain his trust. I enjoyed casting Crucio on people, but for some odd reason, some days I am soft and weak. Crying for their pain. I detested that side of me, hoping it never got out.

Annoyed, I became a shadow, instantly flying through the school at a breathtaking speed. How I loved apparition.

Pan's POV

A parslemouth? I seriously had no idea what that was. But judging the looks on Dumbledore's and Hermione's faces, it was a grave thing. Dumbledore looked at me, but spoke to Hermione. "Are you sure?"

"Sir, she asked me if snakes could talk. Apparently, one spoke to her."

"Neleh did."

"Who's Neleh?" He asked.

"Alex's pet snake."

"Hmm." Dumbledore began pacing a bit, before turning to me. "Hermione, have Harry teach her."

Harry? I had to admit I was surprised. Why not have a Slytherin teach me? They even have snakes on their banner. Slytherins must also be snake-speakers, right? But then why am I in Gryffindor if Slytherins were the only snake-speakers? Maybe almost anyone could do it, maybe it was just a wizard thing? Then why are they so concerned about my ability?

But before I could choose what question to ask, we were dismissed. So instead I turned to Hermione.

"What's the big deal with parsletongues?"

"They are very rare. Never before have three been alive at the same time."

"Three?" So far only two have been named.

She looked wary. "You, Harry and you-know-who."

I certainly knew who you-know-who was. The evil dark wizard. I had seen all sorts of papers with him and the boy-who-lived in it. That's when I realized it. I don't know how I could have missed it before. The boy-who-lived was Harry Potter! As in my new friend Harry Potter! I was hanging out with one of the most celeb wizards of all time. I ran every paper I've read on him through my head, and I remembered the newer ones.

Potter, Plotter?

Boy who lived, Boy who lied?

The you-know-who scam.

And many others. Harry Potter claimed that the dark lord had returned! But few believed him. It would explain the hostile looks people were giving him, and the seemingly random accusations. I had ignored them before, and hadn't even asked about what happened the first day- for I had entered the dorm room later, and the atmosphere was filled with a fight just ended. I had simply chalked up the other students to be slightly violent prone, and had ignored them. Harry Potter was the boy the Ministry claimed was a liar. But, I remember the day the first of those papers came out, Mother had told me that she believed Harry. So did my Aunt. They even discussed the Dark Lord's return at length after sending me to bed. Of course, I knew because I caught bits and pieces of the conversation. And if it came between my family's word and the Ministry's, I believed my family. "So Harry is going to teach me parsletongue?"

"He'll try," Hermione admitted. "But it comes to him automatically."

"Oh, okay."

We descended in an awkward silence, when suddenly Alex exited from the shadows. Because that wasn't creepy. "Hey guys." She said, her green eyes darker than usual. Almost as if the shadow from which she emerged still clung to her, swirling inside her. Tainting her heart black... I shook such thoughts from my head, my imagination was getting carried away. Alex was my friend, so why did I feel scared?

"Hey. What did Malfoy want?" Ever curious Hermione, always wanting to know everything.

"Just some Slytherin business."

"Well come on, we have DA."

Alex smirked, but I was excited. In Defence against the Dark Arts, I would learn all sorts of spells! I half-ran there, but still waited for Hermione and Alex. We all sat down beside Ron and Harry. Eveyone was chatting, and someone threw a paper airplane. Only when it's wings started flapping did I notice it was a magical paper bird. I laughed as it fluttered by. I watched it, totally fascinated, when it flew by that blond boy. Malfoy is what Hermione called him, but it didn't seem like a first name. Maybe a nickname? Either way, he was watching me, and turned when I took my eyes off the bird and onto him. He really was odd. Suddenly, I heard the cranking sound of fire, and turned to see the bird becoming ashes. That's when the Proffeseur walked in. She was all in pink, ans I instantly recognized her. She gave the whole 'progress for the sake of progress' speech. She was the Ministey woman, Dolores Umbridge.

And that's when the fighting started. Hermione argued about how we were not learning magic in DA. My heart sunk at this. Umbridge claimed their was no need, and that'd when Harry said it. "We need it to fight at the dark creatures out there."

"There are no dark creatures out there!"

"But their is! Like Lord Voldemort!"

"Lies! He has not returned!"

"But he has, I saw him! I fought him myself!"

I was shocked. No, not because Harry fought you-know-who. But because, when he said he saw him, Alex's eyes lit up, and a small dark smile was on her face. And she whispered, barely audible. "So have I."

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