Hey There, Delilah (26)

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"Jell-O's gross."

"Jell-O's awesome!"


"Come on, just eat it. I'll feed you if I have to."

"Delilah--" I shoved the spoon in River's mouth before he could protest even more, and he made a pouting face after I pulled it out, leaving the Jell-O in his mouth, and he chewed it reluctantly. I smiled at how disgusted he looked, and I couldn't help but coo about how cute he was in my mind. He was just so cute.

"I hate Jell-O," River said stubbornly, turning away from me once again. "Especially lime."

"Stop acting like such a baby," I smiled, reaching out and sticking the spoon into his face. "It tastes really good."

"They why don't you eat it?" River asked, leaning away from the spoon.

I gave him a flat look. "I'm not the one that got shot and has to eat."

"I'm fine now," he replied stubbornly once again. I rolled my eyes, placing the spoon back into the bowl.

"No you're not. You just woke up yesterday, and you told me your body hurt like hell. And after the story about what happened, I definitely wouldn't be fine if I was you."

"It's not like I got hunted down or anything," River said flatly, leaning back into his hospital bed even more. "It came out of nowhere. It's not like whoever did this made me run around in the woods for hours before he finally shot me. I was walking to my car when it happened."

I frowned at him, placing the bowl of Jell-O in my lap before I reached over, stroking his cheek lightly. I could hear his sharp breath catch in his throat, his lips parted slightly as he looked at me. I didn't even mean to do that! Ugh, I was going to make things awkward!

"I'm glad you're okay," I smiled, continuing to stroke his cheek. He didn't move away from me, but he still looked shocked about what I was doing. "We're going to catch the person that did this to you, I promise."

"D--Delilah," he said, and I thought that his cheeks were turning red. I swear that I saw his face coming closer to mine until he quickly pulled away when the door opened.

"River!" Rex exclaimed, running over to River's side and grinning widely. "You're finally awake! It's been like years!"

"It's been two days," I pointed out flatly, placing the bowl of Jell-O on the table by River's hospital bed. Rex looked at the bowl, and then to me.

"You tried to get him to eat that?" he asked in disbelief. I nodded, looking confused. "River's hated Jell-O ever since he was a kid! I remember the lunch duties would always get angry at him when he wouldn't eat it. It was always so ridiculous. I mean, they weren't the lunch police or anything, even though they thought they were."

I blinked, looking between Rex and River slowly. Rex was grinning and chuckling at the memory, but River didn't look so happy. I knew that he didn't like being reminded of the past.

"Seth had detention, so he couldn't make it," Rex explained, glancing at the door. "And... I actually just remembered... So do I."

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, chuckling slightly. If they hadn't been talking in Mrs. Dents' class, they wouldn't have gotten detention. And I found it really funny that he actually forgot that he had detention when he was assigned it only a few hours before.

Rex then raced out of the room, only waving as a goodbye. I rolled my eyes once again, reaching for the Jell-O. "No," River warned, leaning away from me and making his two index fingers into crosses, holding them up in front of his face. "Didn't Rex tell you? I hate it."

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