Hey There, Delilah (4)

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I stood there very awkwardly next to my new gym teacher as I waited for her to find gym clothes for me to wear. I was a lot smaller than all the guys, so I didn't think that she was going to be able to find me anything to wear.

"Here," Mrs. Liddell said as she finally found and then tossed me the pair of clothes that I had been waiting forever for. "I'm surprised we even still have that. It was supposed to be a pair for smaller boys, but when there weren't any boys entering the school the size, we got rid of all of them. Lucky for you, one of them was left behind." 

I nodded, gripping the clothes in my hands tightly. Gym was bad enough at my old school, when there were as many girls as there were boys. Now I would be the only girl with about a hundred boys. And we would be running and doing other physical activities.

"Since we don't exactly have a girls' locker room," Mrs. Liddell chuckled slightly, shaking her head as well. "I guess you'll just have to change in my office until we find a place for you..." I nodded quickly before shuffling toward her office, changing immediately and as quickly as I possibly could once I got inside.

Was gym going to be harder than usual? I mean, there were only boys at the school before me... What if I'm too weak for the things they're supposed to be doing? 

Mrs. Liddell led me out to where the boys were waiting for us. I felt really self-conscious in the gym uniform that said "Bentwood Institute for Boys" across my chest. It just seemed so stupid, since I wasn't even a boy.

After Mrs. Liddell took attendance, Rex waved me over to him. I glanced at Mrs. Liddell quickly before jogging over to them. "You look funny in your gym clothes," Rex commented, playing with the sleeve a little as I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"W--well I'm sorry that these cl--clothes are meant for a b--boy!" I stuttered, looking away from him quickly. 

He looked at me in surprise, his eyebrows raised. "I was just kidding," he grinned. "Even in boy clothes, you still look pretty hot." 

My cheeks heated up even more, only because a boy had never called me that before, except for my stalker. And I wasn't really counting him.

I turned back to him just in time to see Seth hit Rex over the head. "You're only saying that because you haven't seen any girls since you've entered this stupid school," Seth told him, shaking his head as my eyebrows knitted together in anger.

Um... excuse me.

Did he just call me ugly? 

"I've seen girls!" Rex protested, rubbing the back of his head as he tried to fix his hair. "You're just jealous because you think Delilah's hot, too!" 

Seth snorted. "Yeah, right." 

I rolled my eyes as the two continued to bicker, turning toward River. He only stood there, not moving a muscle. It was surprisingly not awkward as all, which was actually really weird for me. All silences were awkward, whenever I was around.

I finally got enough courage to step closer to him and say, "Um... hi. I don't think we've spoken before. You're River, right?" I stuck my hand out for him to shake. 

"Humph," he said, rejecting my handshake and crossing his arms over his chest, looking very moody. "Yeah, I'm River." 

I put my hand back down awkwardly, looking at the gym floor in embarrassment. "Um... okay," was all I said, stepping away from him a little. He really did scare me, and I wasn't so sure I wanted to talk to him very much... 

Rex and Seth continued to bicker, and I shook my head, sighed, and rolled my eyes at them. For best friends, they sure bickered a lot. Almost like an old married couple. Hah, imagining that's actually pretty funny... I could just see Rex in a dress with a wig and Seth in a suit, fighting all the time over dinner or money...

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