Hey There, Delilah (34)

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"You told... Mr. Higginson?"

I did probably the worst thing I could have done at that moment then.

I dropped my phone.

Like a complete and total idiot, I dropped my phone onto the ground. My hand just got so numb, I couldn't even feel it, along with the rest of my body, and I couldn't even think straight anymore. It was as if it was all happening in slow motion, as if everything slowed down and caught up to me. My phone fell to the floor, hitting with a hard crack, snapping it in half.

And there went the only thing that was going to keep me safe.

And now I was completely alone.

I followed my phone then, crashing onto the floor with a loud thud after it. I started shaking even more as the tears fell down my face, one by one, almost rapidly. They splat against the cold, hard ground, and I felt like I just couldn't breathe anymore. If felt like it took all my energy just to draw one breath in. My body was completely numb, and I couldn't move a muscle.

He had found me.

He had manipulated Julie, and he found me.

How could I be so stupid?

I should have thought of something when I had run into him! He probably didn't even have a sister that was sick!

He probably did even have a sister!

How could I be so naïve? How could I be so stupid? Why did I never even notice anything when he had been my homeroom teacher ever since I entered high school?

Ever since I entered high school...

He was the only person I knew since the first day of high school. They only person that I knew and still spoke to, besides Arianna, Julie, and the Chamber twins. He was the only person that I knew from freshman year, and I was so oblivious that I didn't even think that it could have been him.

He had held my hand.

He actually held onto my hand.

I thought he was trying to help me.

But he wasn't.

He was leading my doom.

Mr. Higginson, my stalker, had held my hand just moments before.

That was what that weird feeling that I had gotten was when he had grabbed my hand. It was as if my body was trying to tell me that he was the one that had been scaring me for so long, as if my body was trying to tell me to run away as fast as I possibly could.

But I didn't listen.

He had held my hand, caused the boys and me to crash, kissed my neck, and shot River. He tried to kill River just because he was too close to me. He tried to kill River because I was in love with him, and he was in love with me. He even tried to kill Rex and Seth in the car crash, because they were too close to me as well. I was the one that had come out the worst in that car crash, so I would have been the one that died. I wondered if Mr. Higginson would have cared if that happened.

I never even suspected him. I never even thought that it could have been him. I never even thought that it could have been him that was the one haunting me dreams for so long.

I couldn't believe how blind I was for so long. I never even thought... It had been years, years, and I never even suspected Mr. Higginson to be my stalker. He was always so polite and quiet... But it made sense. It all made sense now. He was a teacher, so he got informed on everything about me. And if he asked about any information about me to someone else, he could have just used the excuse of being my teacher.

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