Chapter 14

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I'm going to change the title because the story isn't as I originally planned. It is no longer Sergeant Seananners it is now...... (I hate naming things)...... Sergeant eehh if you can think of a better name go for it.

Oh yeah, I couldn't find the chapter I had written down so I got to rewrite it all yay *note the sarcasm* I hate having to rewrite cause it isn't as it was the first time -_-

Previously in the last chapter

I moved behind Ohm and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer and resting my head on his shoulders.

"Max?" Ohm tried to turn but I kept him still.

"Just a minute ohm.... Just.. One minute." I mumbled barely audible.

He let out a breath and relaxed in my grip. "Alright Max."


~Ohm POV~

He kept his head on my shoulder and didn't seem to move, but I could feel him trembling just the tiniest bit. I have a bad feeling about all of this, that Max is planning something and he isn't telling me. He used his hand to push my head so we were face to face, slowly moving closer until our lips touched. The kiss wasn't passionate but was still filled with love, I got an unsettling feeling. It swelled up inside me, almost bringing me to tears. It felt like he was trying to say goodbye forever with the kiss.

We pulled away, Max was about to leave when I grabbed his arm. "Max I'll give you 30 minutes to get out, if you're not back I'm coming in after you."

"No you won't. You're staying here got it." His voice was tense "I'm not going to let you risk your life like that."

The nerve to say that to me "What and you think it's alright if you risk yours?! What's more important about my life than your!?" It was too hard to hold back my tears any longer "Tell me why that is!"

"You know why Ohm"

"No I don't. I don't know why you think your life is worth less than mine." I let go of his arm and looked back at the base, trying to keep my composure.

Max let out a deep sigh "Ohm since it doesn't seem like I'll be able to talk you out of this look here."

"What?" Max lifted his hand to the trunk of the tree and started cutting into it.

"I'll leave marks like this on the walls so when you start making your way in, you can get to me faster. I don't want you taking a path that could cost you your life. I'll have most of  the soldiers taken care of on the inside, but you still might come across a few on your way to me."

"That's alright I can take care of myself when it comes to the occasion. You're going straight for the commander right?"

"Yes. He's one of the bastards behind all of the experimenting, once things get going he'll be trying to escape and that will give me a chance to cut him off on his escape route."

'Will the commander really try and escape? That doesn't fit his personality, but he didn't seem like the type to work behind the scenes with these kind of experiments either....' Max and I hugged one last time before he left to start our last mission. I could see him making his way to the main building eluding every officer out there. Not being seen once when he made it in. 'Looks like those experiments done on him gave him an advantage in more ways than one.

~Commanders Office~

"You called sir." The soldier said while saluting his superior.

The Commander sat at his desk, just as calm and serious as always, and shifted through files. "I believe this new Hidden will be seeking out my life."

The soldier seemed confused "Sir? What exactly do you mean he'll be seeking out your life"

He slammed his hands down on his desk and stood up "Just as I said! He is coming here and plans on killing me!!" He took a deep breath and walked around his desk. "I'm sure he's on his way as we speak. It won't be long until he makes his appearance, he's probably already in the base actually. Heading straight to my office."

The solder walked to the door "Then we need to get you out of here sir. I'll call for a team and we'll lead you out of here to safety."

"Since when have I ever run from a fight. There's no dignity in running away from anyone. I'll be right here when he arrives, and I don't plan on going down easily without a fight."

"Then I'll gather every soldier and we'll take down this creature." He left the room without another word.

Sorry kind of short and way overdue but it's better than nothing I guess.

Sergeant (MaskedSeaMexican) Where stories live. Discover now