Chapter 13

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Tis been to long please accept my humble apologies for this wait.

~Max POV~

"Stay here, I'll be right back then we can discuss the plan." I whispered to Ohm and as I was just about to jump off Ohm grabbed my arm. I looked down and saw his worried expression. "Don't worry I'm not going into the base just yet. If you're going to be here you need something to protect yourself with." He sighed in relief and let go.

I jumped up to the top of the wall and looked around. The guard tower in the Southwest corner was empty at the moment, but not for long. I jumped over and climbed over the railing. "There should be some hidden guns and ammo somewhere." I mumbled. After looking around I found a secret compartment built into the floor. Inside there was a Sniper Rifle, AK 47, 9mm Pistol and plenty of ammo for each. There were also silencers and an army knife.

Voices could be heard heading up the tower. I hurried to put everything back and jumped back into the forest. I maneuvered through the trees back to Ohm. He was sitting  up against the trees I was recently hiding in. I jumped down to the right of him, and must have scared him.

"Sorry.... again."

"It's fine. So what'd you... get..." His mouth dropped open when he saw what I had. "Geez got enough fire power there?!"

"The sniper, AK 47 and this knife are for you, and make sure to keep the silencer on the sniper. I'm keeping the pistol." Ohm looked confused as I handed them over.

"Okay I understand the AK 47 and knife, but why do I need a sniper? It's not going to be very useful on base."

"Ohm you're not going in with me. You're staying out here in a tree out of harms way." As soon as I finished his expression changed.

He got mad "No!" and yelled "I'm not staying here while you go risking your life again!" Furious seems like a better way to put it. "And I'm not sitting in no damn tree, you know I hate being in trees." He dropped the sniper and turned away pouting.

"Are you seriously pouting right now?" He didn't respond. "You're such a fucking child." Still no response, and it was getting on my nerves. "Ohm!... Fine if it's going to take force, that's what I'm going to do."

Ohm turned around about to ask what I meant when I picked him up and tossed him over my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around both of his legs to keep him there & balanced, while he yelled and hit my back. "Max put me down!" I jumped up into the tree "Max I said put me down!"

"Shut it and quit moving! Unless you want to fall." He stopped thrashing but started shaking. Finally realized where we were. "Calm down Ohm you're not going to fall." I set him down on a thick and sturdy branch but he grabbed hold of me when I tried to pull away. "Ohm let go."

He stuttered as he talked "N-not until you get me down M-max." I looked at him and noticed tears were building up in his eyes as he stared back, and that he was still trembling.

"Not to sound heartless or anything but you are extremely cute when your scared." I said while moving closer to him and cupping his face in my hands.

Even though he can't see me he knew exactly where to look as he glared at me.... Looking straight into my eyes. "You're even cuter when you're mad." He tightened his grip on my arm and looked down hiding his face.

"Shut up and get me down." He mumbled

"I can't do that. I need you up here to keep a look out. And once things start to get chaotic to shoot and kill anyone you see and know played a part in the experiments."

"What about those who were clueless but still go after you?" His voice was muffled

"Well.... Shoot them in the leg but try not to cause permanent damage, their not to blame. Now can you let go so I can get the rifle and AK 47 for you?" By now he had both his arms wrapped around my waist holding on tight, and his head buried in my chest.

"Fine" he slowly moved his arms from my waist to the tree.

I grabbed the guns and went right back to Ohm, who was still clinging to the tree. His eyes were closed and he kept still.

"Come one you can't help when you're like that. Shooting from a tree you have to be relaxed and balanced. You're anything but.

"I would really rather be shooting from the ground for your information Max." I hung the guns by their straps and moved behind Ohm. I grabbed both of his arms "M-max what are you doing?!" I made him let go of the tree, and turned him so he was facing the base.

"I understand you prefer the ground but the trees provide more cover, and you need to face the base to shoot." I kept a hold of him the entire time. "You see that branch below you?" He looked down and nodded. "Okay, use your feet like an anchor." He looked at me with a confused expression. "Put the top of your feet under the branch so when the force of the gun pushes against you, you won't fall back." I still wasn't getting through to him.

I sighed and thought about it, trying to find an easier way to put it. ".... Like how we did sit ups, there would be someone standing on your feet so you could pull yourself up. It's the exact same thing except you're sitting in the tree." Ohm understood that and moved his feet. "And use this branch to steady your aim. It's pretty much level so just set the gun on it."

"Like this?" I'd handed him the rifle so he could position it, he hadn't noticed that I was no longer holding him up. "Max?" He looked up at me.

"Exactly like that.... See it's not to bad being in a tree, I'm not even helping you anymore. You're relaxed and balanced."

"What?! Max why did you.... Oh, I guess you're right.... This isn't that bad." He mumbled the last bit.

I moved behind Ohm and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer and resting my head on his shoulders.

"Max?" Ohm tried to turn but I kept him still.

"Just a minute Ohm.... Just... one minute." I mumbled barely audible.

He let out a breath and relaxed in my grip. "Alright Max."

Not sure when I'll get the next chapter up.

Sergeant (MaskedSeaMexican) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon