Chapter 4

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I know some don't like how the last chapter ended but I did. Anyways.... continuing  :3

~Max POV~

'More' is the only thing that was going through my mind. My hands were at his waist, under his shirt. His arms around my head. I was losing control of myself. Our mouths were locked, only short gasps of air. My mind was completely blank.... 'Adam' instantly I pulled back from Ohm.

"What are you doing? You know I love Adam..... Why did you..?" My mind was still fuzzy from what just happened.

"I'm sorry Max I.... don't know what came over me. I just..." He looked up at my face, straight into my eyes. He was just as confused as I was. His face was red so he looked away "I... I'm sorry. Please just forget about it." His voice was cracking, he was crying. He turned and ran back just leaving me standing there.

"What the hell!! Why did he..." At that point I was yelling. Looking from my hands to the direction Ohm ran constantly. "Damn it all..." I was pacing back and forth for about 10 minutes trying to figure out what he was thinking. What I was thinking. Then finally headed back.

I saw Ohm flinch when I walked in. I went to my bed and noticed that he was shaking before I laid down. I wanted to ask him but decided not to, he's probably trying to figure out what happened himself. My mind wondered until I fell asleep.

"... max..... Max..... Max!!"

I jumped up hitting my head on the figure that was hovering over the side of my bed. "Owww" moaned in unison

"Damn it Max why did you jump up like that. I already have a headache I don't need your help." A voice yelled.

I was just sitting there frozen... gasping for air. I looked over and saw Dlive.

"Are you alright?" He ask when he noticed my breathing.

"Uh... yah I'm fine. What's going on?"

"....We leave in 30 minutes get ready. Are you sure you’re ok, you look pale. Ohm said to let you sleep, that you had a rough night. I can believe it now."

"Yah... I'm fine. I'll be out in a few minutes." I'm still breathing heavy but not like when I woke up. "Ahhh forget it." I said to myself as I started getting ready.

20 minutes later I ran into Ohm.

"What was that Ohm? Why did you kiss me?" He kept looking at the ground to avoid making eye contact.

He sighed ".... I've loved you for a while now but I knew you were with Adam. You were always talking about him and I guess..." He paused and looked at me. "I just couldn't take it. I meant to actually tell you but I couldn't hold back last night. I really am sorry."

"You're not the only one at fault.... I should have pulled back sooner but I didn't, sorry. But we can still be friends right?" He had an evil grin. He lounged forward and put me into a headlock.

"Of course we are Max. You don't think I would've let you go that easily." He was laughing by now. "Oh and just so you know my grip has gotten a lot better."

"I can tell! Now let go."

He let go and we met up with Dlive. The three of us were heading out, and within an hour we were there.

Ohm decided to break the silence "This place looks the same except there's more..... Blood."

"Definitely." Both Dlive and I said.

"All we have to do is killed this thing, so let’s keep calm and stay together.... Watch out!!!" A barrel came flying down the hall. We all dodged it in time, I wasn't that lucky when a second came flying. It rammed into my left shoulder knocking me to the ground harshly. "Max!!" Ohm ran to my side while Dlive was shooting where the barrels came from.

The pain was intense I couldn't help but yell as Ohm helped me up. "Come on we have to go now!" We ran to the closest room thankfully it was kind of small and there was only one way in and out, Dlive kept watching the door.

"Max are you alright?!" He knew I wasn't but didn't know what else to do.

"Are you serious, after having a metal barrel crash into me that's what you ask? No I'm not alright, my left arm is useless now."

"Would you two hurry up!! We can't stay in here forever. We have to leave or it's going to come in here after us." Just as he finished the door busted open.

Ohm and I were at the back but Dlive... He fell to the ground. "No!!" Ohm yelled and pulled up his shot gun to the blur, it disappeared before he pulled the trigger. He ran and slammed the door, he threw whatever was in the room in front of the door to try and keep the Hidden out.

"Dlive!" he was sitting there holding his side, there was blood on the floor. "Take your armor off we have to bandage the wound." He was in pure shock at what happened. "Dlive!! Listen to me we have to check where you're injured." Ohm helped him out of his armor and lifted his shirt up. There was a deep cut in his side and so much blood.

As Ohm helped Dlive I sat at the back watching. "You were right, we're not strong enough to kill this thing."

"What! Max you can't give up." Ohm yelled

"Ohm stop. Max you can't give up, I gave up because I was weak but you're stronger." Dlive stood up and looked into my eyes, he made his decision.

"No you...." He stopped me before I could finish.

"I am and you’re not going to stop me." He began moving what Ohm threw in front of the door.

Ohm finally caught on. "Dlive you can't."

"Please just let me. When I run out it will definitely go after me giving you two the perfect chance to shoot it. Sure if it gets to me before you get it that'll suck but so be it."

Just as Dlive said as soon as he ran out it flew by the door. It made some noise only I noticed. It laughed. We were out in the hall as Dlive stopped moving completely. Ohm shot as the Hidden leaped down another hall barely hitting it. It let out a horrible sound then everything was quiet.

We ran back to the room and barricaded the door. "Ohm that thing... it laughed."

"So it enjoys killing why does that matter?"

"No the way it laughed. It sounded just like how Adam always did."

"What are you talking about Max? Are you saying you think that thing is Adam?" He doesn't believe me.

"I don't think that's Adam. I know that's Adam, I know his laugh. But how did he become like that?"

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