Chapter 9

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~Ohm POV~

I ran after Max to get more of an explanation of everything but stopped at the door when I heard something. *gasps* I heard shouts outside. "Not going to pull crap like this again."

"Aagh!" *gasps cough cough cough* The voices began moving farther away so I went out and followed them. There Max was being held up with someone in front of him talking. He turned and walked away, it was the Commander. Max was hit in his stomach and head then put in the truck.

I went back to the barracks and straight to Max's bed. It didn't take long to find what he was talking about. "This is what's supposed to help? I hope he's right."

~Time Skip~

It's been a month since they took Max, I've kept from asking any questions that could set off suspicion on myself. Over time I was called in and asked questions several times and I've answered them the same each time.

Where he might have gone to? I wasn't informed so I was unsure. Why he might have left? I figured it was because of an oder he was given. What my relation with him was? He is a great friend and that I was happy to meet him.

They told me there was a new Hidden out there and that a team would be sent soon to kill it. I asked if I could be included in the team going after it. They asked why and I said it's messed with my life, took some great people and I wanted revenge. There weren't anymore questions after that. We were heading out tomorrow morning, I've been preparing myself for what's to come and hopefully came up with plan that will work.

As I sat on the edge of Max's bed I looked at what he had hidden. "This definitely has to be what's most precious to him.... I hope you're alright Max." I stood up, slipped it into my pocket and headed out with the rest of the team. "I'm going to save you."

~Max POV~

Laying on the ground and looking up at the ceiling in pure silence. My head pounding as if I had rammed into a wall a few good times. I sat up and tried to understand what had happened, where I was and how I got there. With my vision blurred I just sat there thinking, but couldn't come up with any answers. After a while my vision cleared and I managed to stand up slowly. In my hand was a knife and hooked to my pants were grenades.

After walking around for a considerable amount of time I noticed the building I'm in has been abandoned for a long time and has a large amount of blood stains.... almost everywhere.

*vrrr* "Hmm" *vrr* "What's making that noise?" I looked around for the source *vrr* I looked up and saw something. In the top corner where the walls meet was a camera. I jumped up and clung to the wall while examining it. *vrr* "You're definitely the source, but why are you here?" Finally giving up on why it's there I jumped down and continued on my way.

I heard footsteps and voices echoing through the halls. I made my way to the voices and stopped around the corner. There were ten and all were armed quite well. They brought up their guns before entering and exiting a room.

As I peeked around the corner one of them saw me. Fear showed on his face as he brought up his gun and yelled to the rest. They ran out with their guns pointing up at me except for one man who was off to the side. I jumped across the hall as they began shooting, one bullet grazed my arm and caused me to let out a shout of pain. As they followed I dropped one of the grenades.

Seconds later their screams and gun shots filled the halls. 'What the hell is their problem.' As I kept going I circled around and came up behind them. They were just calming down after the grenade and I overheard their conversation.

"Where'd it go? Captain what....."

"Just shut up and get a hold of yourself! We came here to kill that thing and that's what we're going to do."

I jumped behind the soldier at the back, covered his mouth and slit his throat. As his body fell to the ground his team turned with shocked expressions. "You, kill me. Not likely." I looked to my right and saw that same man from earlier, standing closest to me and still showing no fear.

I tossed another grenade in the middle of their group and disappeared down the hall. They all ran from it in different directions. The explosion was just enough to cause the walls and floor to collapse, dividing them into two groups.

The smaller group of the two consisting of three are on the same side I am and that man is one of them. I don't know what his game is but I'm willing to play along.

~Ohm POV~

Seeing the body of a teammate lay on the ground, a puddle of blood growing larger around it. As the puddle grew larger it looked like the blood was beginning to move around something.... Someone was standing there.

"You, kill me. Not likely"

Max was standing there, or at least a blurred figure of him was. I saw him jump down the hall as I heard a clanking noise. He threw another grenade. Me and two others ran where Max had come from and the other six went the other way.

The explosion caused the hallway to collapse separating us. "You two all right?" I asked because we had fallen from the force of the explosion. "Yes. How about you, seems like you took a lot more of it than we did."

"What?" I tried standing up but felt dizzy and fell back down. "Whoa take it easy, let's patch you up before anything else happens." I didn't feel any pain but noticed blood dripping onto the floor and staining my sleeve.

I sat up against the wall while he wrapped my head and arm in bandages. "Thanks by the way I'm Ohmwrecker."

"We know who you are. So what do we do since we're cut off from the guy in charge, you're the highest ranked out of the three of us."

"Well I guess we just take another way and hope we meet up with them soon." Soon as I finished I saw Max behind them. "No don't!!" I shouted but it was a waist, his knife was already through the skull of the one who bandaged me and then piercing the chest of the other.

"Heh well isn't this nice, here I am injured and sitting against another wall. But instead of Adam standing over me it's you Max."

"What are you talking about?" He knelt down and seemed confused. "How do you know me?"

"Well this isn't exactly how it was planned but it was your idea.... Here look at this." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a picture and held it out. "Starting from the left is Dlive, then Adam, next is you and finally me Ohmwrecker. Do you remember?"


"This picture is yours, you had it hidden in your bed. Adam was your best friend for the longest of time. Then you two fell in love." He took the picture from my hand and I could tell he was starting to cry. "Max?"

".....Thank you Ohm for taking this risk. I didn't think it would work." He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. "Now I can finish my plan."

"Uh what is your plan? You never got the chance to tell me." There was silence which was making me nervous. "Max what are you planning?"

"I'm going to kill everyone who took part in these experiments."

"That's your plan!? How are you going to do that?"

"With your help."

He left before I could say anything else. 'He seems like himself again but I hope he has control over himself.'

Getting closer to the end I hope everyone who's read so far is enjoying it.

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