Chapter 11

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"Commander it seems that the team we sent in have all been killed." An officer sitting in front of several monitors said. The Commander came up behind and stared at the monitor showing the Captain falling to the ground.

"Put them all as KIA and start getting the next team organized." He ordered. The blurred figure of Max jumped out of site. They went from one monitor to the next looking for him but had no luck. The Commander began to turn away but noticed movement on one of the screens. "What is he doing?"

"I'm not sure, so far he's just moved the bodies.... He's taking them all to an open area." They all stood there watching in curiosity and fear with what he was doing. Max was grabbing the bodies and hanging them off the walls and ceiling.

"This one's interesting, he's the first to mess with the bodies.... What's he doing with their blood?" The Commander furrowed his brows and was becoming some what nervous from what they were witnessing. They watched as the blood began to form letters.

F "Sir?" A "Who did you chose this time?" I "Sir?!" L "Sergeant" U "Gassymexican" R "Your orders?" E "The next team will be of our best soldiers, he must me killed!"

~Ohm POV~

'Where am I? I can't see anything, in every direction it's never ending darkness.' Chk BOOM I flinched and ducked out of pure instinct. I turned towards the sound and saw a little light off in the distance. I walked towards it but it moved to my right. I kept walking to the light and it continued to move. "Adam!!!"

I stopped walking and held out my hand. The light.... it moved to my Palm and just floated there. I was about to touch the light with my other hand but it began to move towards me. I watched as it came up to my chest, up to my heart. Looking at my chest, putting my hand where the light disappeared. Pain shot through my chest forcing me to my hand and knees. "Please no... I can't lose you again."

"Aargh!! What's... going on?" The black began to fade all around me. There was a sound, maybe.... crying, someone was crying. I looked around and saw a man on his knees holding someone's body to his. Tears were dripping down his face. I felt something dripping onto my hands, I was crying as well, but why?

After a few minutes it all began to fade again and I began to panic "Wait no!!" I yelled and reached out my hand as if to grab a hold of the image. I was stopped by someone who came out of nowhere and grabbed my wrist.

"Max what are you doing?" I examined the mysterious figure but couldn't see them. The image continued to fade and the figure became clearer. He was average height so I knew I was somewhat taller than him. He was slim, with a shadow of a beard and hair cut very short.

"Don't you remember me Max? Look at the picture you have in your hand." His voice was calm and kind of sad at the same time. I did as he said without questioning. Opening my hand there was something folded up in my hand, the picture he must be talking about. Unfolding it the picture revealed four young men, one was the man standing before me.

They all had names written above them. As I looked at the picture it was getting hard to breath. It was beganing to feel like my head was splitting open while my heart was being ripped out. Dropping the picture, watching it fall to the ground as I grabbed my head.

"Make it stop! Help please!" I pleaded as I bent over in pain. He kneeled down and put his arms around me, making the pain slowly ease. He started rocking back and forth calming me down. "Adam..... I've missed you." I mumbled into his chest.

"I know I've missed you too. You have to keep Ohm safe, you can't let them destroy his life like they did ours."

"I already took care of him, he's in a hidden room I found. It's out of view of any of the cameras so there's no way they can know about it." I felt a pull as soon as I finished. "What's happening?" Asking after noticing I was fading away now.

"It's alright, you're just ready to go." Adam said as he caressed my face.

I jumped awake to the sound of a gunshot, listening as it echoed through the woods. Jumping to the ground with causion and looking back up into the tree I had fallen asleep in. "Stay safe Ohm, please don't try anything dangerous."

I know it's short but I wanted to get something up. I was just kind of drawing a blank on what else to put into this chapter.

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