Chapter 2

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Sorry it took a while but I hope it was worth the wait. Enjoy! :3

'It's been over a month since Adam left, I remember seeing him get into a vehicle and leave. I've been trying to talk to the commander to ask him where Adam was taken but they kept telling me he was too busy. The three of us have been very worried about Adam, and we haven't been given any details about what's going on. There is no way Adam would just leave without saying goodbye especially to me... Is there?'

~Ohm POV~

I know how close Max and Adam are, and ever since Adam left Max has been very stressed. I decided to invite Max to go out for a walk so we could talk. "Max you alright? You haven't been getting much sleep since he left. I'm sure Adam's fine, so there is no need for you to worry."

"I know that, it’s just... I just want to know for sure that he's alright." Max stopped walking and faced the cement wall we were by. "Damn it!" He shouted as he pulled his arm back and began punching the wall. "Why....why won't they tell us anything?"

His knuckles were bloody and he flinched in pain when I grabbed his wrist to stop him. I looked straight into his eyes to make sure that I had his full attention. "I don't know Max but getting angry like that isn't going to do you any good."

Max leaned against the wall and slid down to the ground. "I miss him." he laid his head down on his arms, "I know you know Ohm, about us, not sure how you figured it out but why else would you ask me out here."

I hesitated before saying anything to make sure that Max had calmed down first "....You two were always together and after our last mission it looked like something was wrong with Adam, and when you two walked into the cafeteria I saw that Adams eyes were kind of red so I was just guessing."

"Oh.... so it was that obvious huh." Max just stared down at his injured hand with a distant look in his eyes like he was deep in thought. I don't think he realized that he started crying until I got his attention. "Max?" He looked at me and wiped away his tears.

"Come on let's go get your hand fixed up."

He got up, looked at me and had a faint smile. "Sure."

~Adam POV~

The last thing I remember is seeing Max before getting into the truck and a cloth being shoved to my face too fast for me to react. I see bits and pieces. I open my eyes and see the roof of the truck, I must be lying down. My hands felt like they're restrained, someone must of saw me moving because the cloth was over my face again.... Now I'm in some room strapped to a table, my vision is hazy and I look down to my arm, it has a needle in it which is putting something into my body.

I hear muffled noises which are getting louder. Two people in lab coats walked over with a third behind them but, he's wearing something else.... I can't make it out but it looks familiar.

"Oh you’re a strong one, most of the others never woke up, and those who did they 'escaped' to the abandoned facility." the first guy said.

'Others? What facility? What is he talking about?'

"Yes he is one of the most skilled soldiers we have and he will most definitely be one of the strongest to come." the third mysterious person said.

'What the hell are they talking about' I begin moving around more and tried to get up causing the first guy to walk over and push me back down while the second guy went to grab what I would think was anesthetic.

"Well how about you go back to sleep, we don't want anything interrupted until it's all finished now do we." the second guy said as he injected the anesthetic into my body. My eyelids started getting heavy as I was drifting off to sleep. 'What the hell going on?'


"I want to know how strong Seananners is."

"What would you like me to do about that sir?

"Send the best I.R.I.S team we have, let's test how strong our newest solider is."

~Adam POV~

"Help!! Somebody please help us!" A young solider yelled.

The soldiers were running and yelling with pure terror on their faces. Running? They're running from something. Their guns pointing everywhere trying to find what's chasing them... I'm chasing them. There's something in my head, pleasure. I killed one from their team and I enjoyed it.

"Keep going we can't stop, if we stop we die so keep running. Be aware of your surroundings!" as an older and I could tell a more experienced solider said. I'm sure they all think they have plenty of experience to go up against me but their barely a challenge.

'He's the leader of the group. Should I killed him first and let the rest run around scared and confused, or leave him for last and let him watch his team who trusted him die one by one.' I thought to myself laughing at the same time. I was scared of myself but I loved it.

"He's toying with us; we can't run away we have to stay and fi......" He looked down, and saw the tip of my knife as I stabbed him from behind.

"Now we can't have you fill them with hope, seeing what's left of your team utterly terrified is so much fun."

The leader was standing in front of his solider and seem to look straight into my eyes before pulling up his shot gun and shooting where my head used to be.

'Sure all I remember is this run down building but I don't care, I'm having too much fun.' I thought as I leaped up to the rafters with a smile.

Hours after killing one after the other, the only one still alive is their defenseless leader.

*click* *click* *click*

"What a pity, you seem to be out of ammo. Oh but that means you won't be any more fun to play with."

He dropped his gun and continued limping along. He must have a broken arm, a dislocated shoulder, some broken ribs and a few stabbed wounds in his right leg, just to low him down a bit.

"Why the hell are you doing this, just kill me already? I've suffered enough!! You had your fun, and you said yourself that I'm not going to be any more fun to play with. So just killed me." The man pleaded as he finally gave up on walking and fell to the ground.

I jumped down in front of the broken man, I grabbed a handful of his hair forcing him to look up. "Before I kill you I have some questions and you have the answers." He yelled in pain as I put pressure on his injured leg with my knee and grabbed his arm with my free hand.

"What are your questions?"

"First, who are you?"

"First Sergeant Trey Myers."

"What was your teams business here?"

"We were sent to kill a creature."

"That creature being me. Why?"

"We were told that this creature killed anyone and everyone it could and it had to be stopped. My team was the best of the I.R.I.S. there was."

'I.R.I.S. that sounds familiar' I pondered on this thought for a second, something so very familiar but too far to remember.

"Do you have a family?" He looked up, pure anger in his eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes. Oh and don't worry I don't care just curious."

"You son of a....."

Before he could say anything else, most likely with a foul mouth, my knife made its way through his body. He didn't bother looking down he just stared at me, blood dripping from his mouth. Didn't take long for him to die.

"I.R.I.S., you have the answers to my questions. I hope you send more toys soon." A giant grin across my face.

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