Chapter 3

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Hmmm didn't take as long as I thought, I hope you all like what goes on this time..... and if you haven't noticed I'm not big on naming the chapters ╮(╯▽╰)╭ so.... Enjoy!!

~Max POV~

"I hear that you have been trying to get in to see me for quite some time now." He was shifting through papers on his desk as he spoke, obviously busy.

"Yes commander. If possible I have some questions about a teammate and I was hoping you would have some answers."

"Well that depends on who it is and what the details are." The commander doesn't seem to be very interested in why I'm here, he hasn't looked up once.

"I'm asking about Sergeant Seananners, he left close to 2 months ago and no one seemed to know why." Mentioning Adam got the commanders attention very fast.

"Sergeant Seananners was your teammate. So that makes you who?"

"Sergeant Gassymexican... sir"

"Ah you were the solider that was promoted to Sergeant shortly after he left."

"Yes, I was." Why is it when I mentioned Adam I got his full attention

"Ok but before you ask your questions may I ask you one." He's obviously asking his first but making sure I knew that.

"Of course sir."

"Who are you to Seananners, why is he so important?"

"Umm..... Well, Seananners is my.... like a brother. We are very close so we considered each other as brothers." The moment I said that there was a small smile forming on his face but.... it disappeared quickly.

"That's right; Seananners did mention something about informing his squad about his condition all though it was better for him that he left right away. I thought I had someone inform you for him, apparently not."

"So nothing serious happened to him, right?"

"Of course not. The day you four returned we had the medics check you out. The medic that checked Seananners came to me and said he had some internal injuries. That's why I had him called in to discuss what he should do. He decided that it would be best that he be sent to a hospital to get the correct medical treatment he needed."

"Really, that's all it was." I'm sure Adam would've told me if he was injured.

"I can reassure you that he is doing better than when he first left. Anything else?"

"No sir that's all I wanted to know, thank you." As I left he called someone else in.

I met up with Ohm and Dlive and told them everything I was told. Afterwards I pulled Ohm off to the side so we could talk. He agrees that Adam would have told at least one of us that he was hurt.

Ohm saw the anxiety in my face. "Max I'm sure Adam is ok but maybe he really was hurt and like the commander told you and just didn't want you to get worked up. He probably didn't realize how long he was going to be gone and didn't think about telling anyone."

I was a little more at ease but something was still off. "You're right and I know that but still you'd think we would have at least heard from him by now."

"He's probably meant to but isn't allowed for some stupid reason. You know that communicating is quite difficult if you’re not at the base."

He saw me nodding but not really meaning it, and then he pulled me into a headlock. "Stop pouting already, you've been all gloomy since he left and it's starting to make me gloomy."

Sergeant (MaskedSeaMexican) Where stories live. Discover now