Chapter 8

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~Ohm POV~

3 Months Later

"When are you going to ditch the crutch Ohm?"

"When I can stand up on both of my legs without help, which won't be much longer."

Max and I are walking along getting some fresh air finally after I was discharged from the hospital, well he's walking I'm kind of stumbling along. With my luck my foot hit some concrete sticking out causing me to lose my balance. "Shit!!"

Max glanced over "Ohm!" His right arm went across my chest and his left hand went to my back. He helped me regain my balance. He bent down to grab my crutch I dropped, as he stood he noticed my face was a light shade of red. He smiled, handed me my crutch then hugged me and said as he buried his head into my shoulder.

"Just friends..... right now okay." I smiled and leaned my head on his "I know, just can't help it sometimes." We stayed like that for a bit longer then headed back to the barracks.

We got comfortable on our beds, Max laying on his stomach facing me while I sat on mine with my left leg hanging off.

"Max you should be careful around the Commander."


"Well...." I'm not sure how to tell him I haven't trusted the commander since what happened to Adam. "You've been called in quite a bit and...."

"Yah he's in charge and just checking up on us." Max said calmly, does he really not suspect anything?

"Wouldn't someone under his orders check up on us, with it being him personally every time something seems off." I'm going to have to tell him

"Let's get on the same page here. I know you don't trust him Ohm and that you have a perfectly good reason to."

That completely caught me off guard "Max I'm sorry but ever since...."

"Adam, I don't trust him either."

I was just sitting there speechless. My mouth slightly dropped open, my eyes widened while Max stood up and walked over with a look of relief. "When did you stop trusting them?!" I shouted at him. He glared at me "Right not so loud."

"Probably around the same time you did but it took some time to realize it. How the Commander acted at points whenever Adam was mentioned should have given it away but I was distracted." He leaned up against the wall, crossed his arms and looked down.

"Then why do you continue going? It's not safe to be around him and we don't know who he has on his side." I said a bit quieter as I got up and moved in front of him.

"No one has been sent on another mission after the Hidden so I don't think there is another.... just yet that is." He stood up straight but continued to look down.

"If I'm right I don't like where this is going." He didn't budge "Max?"

"I know he's planning something so I just have to play along." Max began pacing back and forth, anyone could tell he was scared from the look on his face.

"So you're going to let them do what they did to Adam to you? He didn't remember anything until he saw you. What's going to bring you back if there is anything?"

"I'm not sure, for Adam it was me....." We both stood there thinking, he lifted his head finally "Maybe you... I mean you're my best friend there's no one else that I'm closer to."

"Uh... That's right I'm the best chance you got." Damn it Max think before you talk would ya. "Let's talk more tomorrow." I yawned causing Max to yawn as well.

"Agreed, night."

~Max POV~

'What if Ohm isn't enough to bring me back to myself.' I looked over to Ohm, already asleep then I heard my name. "Sergeant Gassymexican" standing in front of my bed was a solider. "The Commander wants a word with you now." If he wasn't so persistent I would have woken up Ohm but he wouldn't leave unless I was walking out in front of him.

We walked outside to get to the main building and I saw a truck parked not to far away still running. Outside the Commander's office were a couple of men, they just stood there waiting for something. Inside he was standing behind his desk looking at the framed pictures on the wall. "I'm sure you know why you've been called in." The two that were outside came in behind me and shut the door.

"Not quite sure sir but I have an idea." One of the men behind me brought their gun up to my head. "Is it clear to you now?"

"Crystal" I sneered at him.

"You know what happened to Sergeant Seananners don't you?" He turned and faced me making eye contact.

"......." The guy behind me jabbed my head with his gun. "....I don't know how it happened but I know you had something to do with it."

"Correct I did have something to do with it. I am the one who picks the next test subjects for the experiment. I chose him because he was the best out of your little group or at least I thought he was but it seems you're quite better. Now it's time to begin another round and see who the better soldiers is."

He nodded his head causing the gun to lower to my back to push me out the door. "Oh and if he tries anything" they both looked back at the Commander.

'I have to try something and I'm not going to get another chance.' I clenched my fist, turned around to fast for either to react and I hit dead center in the face of the guy to my right then in the gut of the one on my left. As they fell to the ground and the Commander was yelling for backup I ran down the hall out the doors to the barracks.

I ran to Ohms bed shaking him awake, before he could complain I told him what just happened and the location of something very precious to me that could help. I heard shouts outside and ran out the back before he could say anything.

As I turned the corner there was a huge man waiting. He punch me in the gut leaving me falling to the ground gasping for air, the guy with a now bloody face came up and kick me in the stomach. He grabbed my hair to lift my head and punched me. Two new people came up and each grabbed an arm and dragged me to the truck I saw earlier. Before they tossed me in the Commander came up.

"I was going to tell them to be careful not to injure you to bad, but it seems like I didn't need to." He walked off, they punched my gut another time then upside my head knocking me out cold.

Hope you enjoyed! :3

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