Chapter 12

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  ~Ohm POV~

It's dark, I'm not asleep am i my eyes are open but.... it's so dark. "Max?" no one replied. I sat up and used my hands to feel around. I'm on a bed, but where? I just sat there for a while waiting for my eyes to adjust. Finally I was able to make out the shapes of whatever was here.

I stood up and put my hands out in front of me just in case and waved them around as I slowly began to move. Only a few seconds and my hand made contact with something. Squinting and moving my hands on the flat surface, I brushed my hand against something. I grabbed it and knew instantly what it was, matches. Striking one of the matches it sparked to life and shed light on my surroundings.

"What the heck where am I?!"

I'm in a small room "The bed I woke up from, the desk where I found the match. Oh shit!" I cursed as I dropped the burnt out match to the ground after burning my fingers. "Damn it. Okay let's give it another try. Good there's some candles here, mmmmh bookshelf and... A note."

Ohm I'm sorry for what I did to you but you had to be somewhere safe. I wouldn't have been able to sustain the level of control I have over myself if something happened to you. If something happens to me and I don't come back, there's another note. It'll tell you how to escape that room if you haven't figured it out. If you truly do know me you'll find where it's hidden. Please when you get out don't go back to the base.

"Max..... You can't do this!" I yelled "You can't leave me here!" I pounded on the walls as hard as I could. Then stopped "you can't leave me.... not again." and slid down to the ground.

I sat there for what seemed like hours, up against the wall my head on my knees and just cried. Although it probably was only an hour at the most. I thought of nothing, my mind was completely blank as I sat there. It didn't last though because I realized the candle I had lit was almost out.

I sighed, got up and grabbed one of the many candles I had and lit it. "This sucks." I mumbled and set the candle down. "I barely got to know you past being a friend....." I looked at the note again, analyzing it for any possible clues.

If you truly do know me you'll find where it's hidden. "Hmmmm what do you mean Max." Thinking back I tried to remember any instance he might have told me a secret. "Ah!! What the?" My head and arm began to hurt. "That's right that last explosion caused these..... Wait that's it! His picture."

'This picture is yours, you had it hidden in your bed.' I moved to the bed and began looking through it. "Ahah found you! This is my key out of here." Unfolding the paper it showed his instructions about getting out of here.... and another note from Max

Remember all of what you said when you pulled out the picture. "What?"

'This picture is yours, you had it hidden in your bed. Adam was your best friend for the longest of time. Then you two fell in love.' (back to the note)

After they took Adam you were always there for me. You helped me keep a clear and positive mind and after he died.... you were the only one left. I noticed you were protective over me just like Adam was, even though you were hurt more than I was. Sorry I didn't tell you before all of this but I love you.

"Damn it... M-max." I choked out then turned the paper over and saw something else. All the blind spots of the cameras in this building. "Thanks but you're not going through this all alone you jerk. Before I go after you I need to regain my strength."

After eating and re-bandaging myself I opened the entrance and made my way through the building. I wasn't expecting what was waiting around a corner though. I froze "Holy..." covered my mouth, turned away and braced myself up against the wall. "Y-you couldn't hold b-back even a little Max..... He sure knows how to get his point across to people."

Finally found my way outside without being seen by the cameras. "Max I swear if you die..... You better not die on me." With that said I began jogging down the road to the base.

~Max POV~time skip~

'I've circled the entire base looking for any weak points, didn't find any though so they must have gotten my message. Their armed and ready for me but that's not going to change anything. Right now I'm on the east side of the base where there's the least amount of security and this is where I'm going in.' I was just about to sneak inside when I heard leaves and twigs crunching down below where I was perched up on a branch. It took only a second before I realized who it was. 'Damn it.'

I jumped down and wrapped one arm around him and used my free hand to cover his mouth before he could scream. "What in your right ind made you decide to come here Ohm?" I quietly whispered into his ear. He sighed and relaxed knowing he hadn't been caught by the wrong people.

"Tch you think I would let you put your plan in play without me, well you are horribly wrong Max." Ohm said as turned toward me and furrowed his brow.

"Wha... Ohm I left you there because I"

"Because you wanted to protect me.... I know but you had no right to decide that for me." He crossed his arms and continued to glare at me.

I sighed and rubbed my temples but he probably wouldn't have been able to tell "Ohm.... please, I know you read my notes but" He interrupted my again.

"But nothing Max do you know how hard it was for me to wake up like that, knowing that you left me there and went off on your own to fight this battle, by yourself... Max I... I love you." he whispered that last part but I still caught it. He came up to me as if he could see me clearly, he pushed my hand down then cupped my face in his hands. His eyes were teary and he had a weak smile across his face, then he kissed me.

I turned my head to deepen the kiss, neither of us fought for dominance we just stood there and kissed. My hands made their way to his waist and pulled him closer, as he wrapped his hands around my neck. I broke the kiss and left butterfly kisses down his jawline to his neck. He bit his lip to suppress any moan from escaping but that didn't stop him from shuddering. I stopped and buried my face in the crook of his neck and took a deep breath, taking in his scent.

"Ohm you do understand how dangerous this is going to be right? There's barely a chance that the both of us is going to live through this.... or even a chance either of us will get out alive." I said while looking straight into his eyes.

"I know that Max, and don't worry about that I'm sure you're just exaggerating a bit... Max do you understand that you're not doing this alone, right?" Ohm said right back while staring where my eyes would be.

"Heh you ready for what's coming next, all hell's about to break lose here." I said while hugging him tighter.

His response was a chuckle and a nod.

"Well okay then let's go." I said following a quick kiss and another hug.

Okay second try

Sergeant (MaskedSeaMexican) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora