Get Away From Her!

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Total of four months in the prison world. These past two months have gone by offaly fast. Is it because you're used to Kai being around? Or because you and Klaus are flirting with each other every second of the day? You know you probably shouldn't but who is here to tell you , you can't. Exactly. Nobody!

You are currently sitting in the lounge area of the house, eating a delicious sub and a glass of greatly supplied blood. This is what you have been craving for the last few days! It's your favorite food. But apparently they don't have lots of them in New Orleans 1863. You take a big bite into the sub and scrunch your face up. Tomatoes. You are allergic to tomatoes but since you turned , the side effects don't affect you as bad anymore. But when they do they heal quickly. So you still eat tomatoes for that reason.

As you are enjoying your sub Kai walks in and flops himself on the couch across from you. Not looking at you but up at the ceiling. You're starting to get comfortable with him being around. It's not that you forgive him, you are just getting used to him. When you come back to the real world everything will go back to normal.

"Why hello Kai. I haven't seen you around here much." You say while picking up your glass of blood and taking a sip of it.

He sighs and puts his hands behind his head. "Yeah well I prefer going out instead of staying in here for too long." He says with an attitude.

"Uh- excuse you. Fix your tone , thank you very much." You roll your eyes. "Whatever" He replies back.

You get up from the chair since Kai's rude attitude totally ruined your mood. You walk up the stairs with your sub seeing Klaus walk out of his room. He hasn't been seeming like he is in the best mood. He randomly takes the sub from your hand and throws it down at Kai.

"Dude!" Kai yells while sitting up from the couch.

A small smirk pulls at Klaus' lips and you look at him with a confused face. Before you speak Klaus says, " Learn how to talk to a woman Kai Parker." You roll your eyes at what Klaus said and was finally able to speak. 

" Yeah and I was eating that dumb dumb." You punch him in the arm and walk to your room. You hear him following behind you and close your door in enough time before he can walk in.

He opens the door and walks in. "Rude much young lady?" 

You flip him off and walk into your bathroom and go to reapply your chapstick and lipgloss. Chapstick as a base and lipgloss as the finishing touch. You soon feel and cold breeze and there was Klaus.

He chuckles before asking, "Why do you have so two different lip things or whatever out?" You were now applying the clear lipgloss on.

"Because it helps with the makeup I guess?" You chuckle in the mirror. He picks the chapstick up and then asks, "Can I borrow this?"

You look at him and pause. Then look back in the mirror to fix up your lipgloss. " Sure I guess, I mean I don't know why yo-"

The words coming out of your mouth was replaced with Klaus grabbing your hips and pulling you into a kiss. Stupidly you kiss him back and hug your hands on the back of his neck. The kiss deepens and as he hugs your waist tighter. You guys stay like that for a good 10 seconds before you pull away. "That's not what I meant." You say smiling back to the mirror. 

Klaus chuckles and rubs your shoulder.  You turn back to look at him and see all of the lipgloss smeared over his lips. "Now look , you have all my lipgloss on your face!" You grab his chin and use your index finger to wipe it off. He laughs once again and you walk back into your room.

"You know you owe me for that sandwich. I went all the way across town to get it only to have two good bites and then it tossed." You say and cross your arms.

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