Old Memories Pt.2

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You ever wonder what it's like to regret something? Regretting a choice, and action, or a relationship. It's the feeling of guilt and confusion all in one. Not knowing either to look back or to keep moving forward. It's like a wolf debating if it wants to keep its prey all for himself or share it with its pack. But once it does so, it realizes nothing changed and all it has lost was the fulfillment and time . Only time. Wasted time.

You are currently sitting inside a small coffee shop in the town square. Waiting to meet the person that you ran away from over a year ago. The creeping anxiety that used to haunt you is slowly creeping back in as time goes on. You're there early procrastinating per usual. 

The talk you had with Stefan before coming here earlier was more on the rougher side. It's as if he doesn't understand the history between you and Elijah. He seemed upset but he tried to hide it. Exactly 5 days ago he specifically said that if you wanted to change anything, you could.  But when you want to change you and Elijah's friendship status, by finally taking up his offer, Stefan doesn't like it. But he can stay upset because you're only going to meet up with your friend.

Snapping you out of your thoughts you hear the bell ring and look towards the door and see Stefan. What the hell is he doing here.

"Hey baby." He places his hand on the back of your chair and kisses your forehead. Not long after taking the seat in front that was reserved for the unattended guest.

You look at him annoyed. "What are you doing here Stefan? Don't you have someplace to be?" 

"Nope. I just wanted to tell you we have more training to do later." You roll your eyes. "Y/N you're still struggling! But you have made amazing progress because at least you don't feel the need to feed on vampires."

You couldn't help but smile. You really have stopped feeding on vampires which is amazing because you definitely don't wanna be a predator to your own kind. That's why he is very lenient on letting you feed from him during- private times. "Yeah yeah I guess." You say sighing. "Wait why couldn't you just text me that?"

He looks towards the door and whispers "Because I wanted to see you and oh- would you look at that, the man that wants you just got here." He smirks and you keep your head away from the door. 

You turn your head to the door and old memories start coming back making you nervous wave to him and snap your head back around. "Aw don't be so nervous." Stefan says standing from his seat. "I love you." You don't say anything which makes him snap his head to Elijah that is talking to the waiter at the entrance. He sees him glance your way so he roughly lifts up your chin and kisses your lips.

Then walking out, making sure to say something to Elijah. "Oh hello. I didn't see you there. Have a splendid day." He says before glancing your way and leaving the shop.

That was...not the best start.

You hear footsteps start to approach you and your heartbeat continues to beat faster and faster until-

"Good evening Y/N. You look wonderful." That forbidden voice rings through your ears. Even though you recently talked to him on the phone, hearing him talk in person was scary. 

He appears in view and takes his seat. You still haven't said anything but you're pretty sure you're pale at this point. "Y/N." He says again looking over at you with concerned eyes. 

You didn't realize you were holding your breath but you release it and it comes out as a shaky sigh. "Hi Elijah." You smile slowly looking into his chocolate colored eyes. "How are you?" You ask. Now since you're finally able to speak and you feel stable this is exciting.

He hesitates for a moment. "I'm alright." He nods his head with a sad face. He notices the look on your face then adds, "Better now that I've seen you." He breaks into a smile, flashing his pearly whites. "I've missed you so much Y/N. It's amazing to see you."

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