Settled In

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"See you in a month Tyler!" You were currently leaving your job at the Mystic Falls Animal Care. You find it weird that Ty works there considering he is an animal himself but you don't speak about that.

It's your favorite time of the day- going home. It's currently 3pm so perfect time to grab something at the grill. Getting in your car you turn on the radio and head over there. You decide to ask your boyfriend if he wants anything to eat since its just you two. "Hey babe, do you want anything from the grill?" 

"Yeah the usual please. Thank you sweetheart." Stefan was definitely smiling through the phone. His tone of voice always made you smile. "Okay I'll see you when I get home Stef, bye." You then hang up the phone.

When you first arrived at the Salvatores a year ago, Stefan finally told you what happened with Katherine. Turns out that Katherine was your enemy. She would always threaten Stefan that she will take you away from him if he ever got too close with me. But look how it turned out. Katherine is burning in hell with Kai! GO team! Things took a turn when she wouldn't let him leave the relationship, so he ended up having no choice but to kill her. It was for her own good.


"Damn this food never disappoints." You groan in pleasure.

Stefan stops what he was doing and looks at you as if holding back a smile. Or a smirk, you can never tell now these days. Stefan definitely isn't as sweet as he seems. 

"You're really enjoying that burger, huh?" He says this time. "Oh shut up Stefan. At least its not a human. Progress" You punch his arm.

He chuckles, "I'm just kidding baby. I'm proud of you. It's been 12 months and you've got your ripper side under control."

Yeah right.

After finishing your burger it is around 4:30. You might meet up with Bonnie since she is on a staycation from Paris. When Bonnie is back, Enzo comes back too. They've been here for a 1 month and a few weeks so far. If only you could move away with them. Apparently Caroline didn't move until a 2 months after she said she was moving out. She texts you occasionally. I'm sure she doesn't have time for you since her fiancé is Klaus, but its no big deal. Elena and Damon are still in the state but way farther away. Well they broke up so you don't really know what's going on with them anymore.

"Hey Stef, do you wanna come with me to meet up with Bon Bon?" You yell from the living room.  "No i'm going to stay here. You two have your girl time." He walks into the living room and kisses your forehead. Don't we all love forehead kisses.

Once you changed out your scrubs, you drove over to Bonnie and Enzo's rent apartment they bought while staying here. Pulling up to the place you barge in since she gave you a key. Just then in the moment you wish she hadn't.

You hear and see things you didn't want to.

"Oh my gosh." You say turning around and covering your ears. You feel movement around you but don't hear anything. You decide to turn around and you see Bonnie using her clothes to cover her body and Enzo sitting on the couch with his boxers on holding a smirk. "I am so sorry I will be down in 5." She rushes.

That was so traumatizing when you watch others do the deed. *Gag*. In more like 10 minutes she comes down with fresh clothes and her hair not looking so messy.

"That was not meant for you to see." She says in a flat tone. Yeah no shit Bonnie. "Gorgeous don't act like you wouldn't have enjoyed an audience." Enzo mumbles with another smirk.

You huff. "Ew gross, anyways." 

You make your way over to Bonnie and ask her can you guys go somewhere Enzo cannot hear. You both end up going to a pretty field watching the sunset. Much better than the sight you first saw walking into their apartment.

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