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It has been 2 weeks since you and Stefan broke up and you were so damn happy. Through all of this time you haven't seen Elijah. He would text you whenever he could but rarely. He acts as if he has somewhere to be in Mystic Falls. But then he notified you that he was out of town from Mystic Falls. You still haven't told him about the breakup and what your next step would be.

Staying in the Salvatore house alone was scary. The amount of bodies that were killed here and blood that was spilled still spooks you. Even as a vampire. 

You're currently reading a book in your room when you suddenly hear a thump downstairs. You try to ignore it but it sounds like it's coming from the kitchen. You tense up. This is exactly what you were afraid of when being here by yourself.

You close your book and slowly crack open your door. You quietly walk down the hall and downstairs. You peak your head around the corner of the kitchen entry way and your eyes widen when you see the dirty blonde, blue-green eyed man sitting at a chair holding a beer and smirking towards you.

"Klaus?!" You yell.

"Hello love." He grins and sets his beer down and stalks towards you. You run up to him and hug him tight. Then push him away and scowl. "You scared the hell out of me!" You exclaim.

He chuckles. Ahh you miss those deep dimples. "What are you doing here?" You ask going to grab yourself a beer.

"We wanted to surprise you." 

"Did you say we?" You go to sit next to him.

He smiles. "Yup the rest of them should be coming later on."  You nod your head to that. "How has my little rippah been?"

"Better since I've left you." You giggle and take a sip of your drink while he just smiles brightly again.

" You giggle and take a sip of your drink while he just smiles brightly again

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After a moment of silence he finally speaks. "I've missed you Y/N."

"I missed you too Klaus." You smile.

He sighs while positioning himself as if he's ready to listen to your response of something he's going to ask. "So tell me, what have I missed."

You end up telling him absolutely everything. From the exact time you walked out of the compound until this exact moment. You told him how you and Stefan dated and then how Elijah kind of broke you guys up. But then things turned out okay and you and Stefan are still friends. You told him how you truly felt about his brother and also that you haven't told him about the breakup. Klaus' responses were the funniest. 

"What a plot twist." He hums and chuckles.

You ended up talking for an entire hour before Rebekah and Marcel showed up at the door. 

"I MISSED YOU BITCH." Bex says as she tackles you down as soon as you opened the door. You say your greetings with her and then go to hug Marcel. "Damn Y/N you look different." He chuckles into your hair.

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