Chapter 1: The first meeting

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The voice spoke again, "My, my, what do we have here?" I felt myself being picked up, but I didn't dare uncurl. "Don't worry dear, I won't hurt you.." the voice said, this time softer than before. After a few moments, I found myself uncurling and that's when I saw the owner of the voice.

They were beautiful. Half of their face was decorated with emerald scales that shimmered under the light, their eyes were a piercing gold.

"D-do you promise..?" I asked. "I promise, dear" Suddenly, I heard a new voice "well, well, well, what've you got there, J? Care to share?" this new voice sounded like a Disney prince, but I found myself curling up again anyways.

"good job, Prince, you scared them and just after I got them to feel safe too, thanks a lot." the scaled fae, hissed. Then an argument started and I felt a pair of arms take me from the scaled fae and suddenly all noise faded.

Then I heard a calming voice "shh..calm down little one, it'll be ok.." I slowly uncurled myself and looked at the owner of the calming voice, examining their (beautiful) face.

"You're such an adorable little human" Another voice "I agree with you, Pat, they are adorable!" I looked over to where the new voice was coming from, a fae with a big moustache.

Then in perfect unison the calming voice and newest voice said "L, J, can we keep them? Please?" A somewhat monotone and strict voice replied "Duke, Pat, you both know the rules about keeping humans."

'Keep me? What do they mean by that? Are they going to make me a slave?' my mind started flooding with thoughts.

" I know, L, but they're special. Please can we keep them?" the calming voice chimed out, taking me out of my thoughts. After a moment of silence, the monotone voice sighed and said "I suppose we can keep them if they allow it."

They all turned to look at me " Uh- wh-what do you mean by 'keep me' ?" The scaled fae replied, "basically you're going to live with us and we'll keep you safe." Oh, so they're not going to make me a slave. I calmed down slightly then I remembered the fact I found out a year ago..

The unknown fae: a somewhat original storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora