Chapter 10: Another failed plan

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-Still narrator's POV, when V got to the base -

"Alright, I'm here.What do you want?"  "Glad you showed up, anyways what we want is your power." V looks shocked for a moment " why do you want my power?" "Uh- maybe bc you're one of the most powerful fae to exist- there's literally a prophecy about you!" "I- there is?!" "yeah- there is. how did you not know this before?" "I don't know- i literally just found out that i'm a faerie like a few weeks ago-!" Everyone in the room was confused- and for some reason Pat already left. "Wait- really?"  "yes- i grew up on earth in an orphanage-there was no way for me find out." "Oh-" "Yeah- anyways i'm bored-" V picks up a random knife and stabby stabs Dave and Axander (to death) bc yes. "heh- that was fun- and imma keep this knife now." Then V skips home, covered in blood.

-When V got home-
"hey guys" when they saw V they were all very shocked. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO V?" J shouted. "Not much- i just poked two dudes- with a knife- in the chest- 47 times-" V replied. "I'm proud of you kid." Duke said. L and J both facepalmed.

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