Chapter 4: Powers?

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-In L's room-
"Uh, L?" I asked, " Yes, V? What do you need?" L responded. "Well, uh, I was out in the garden and I saw some dying flowers so i went over to them ,somehow I made them bloom, and I was wondering if you knew anything about it?" I said, slightly panicked.

"Ah, it appears your powers are manifesting." he replied calmly. This confused me, and he could probably tell so he continued "Basically ,V , you're a fae or at least part fae. J and Pat could sense this from the moment you entered the garden, it took me and the twins a bit longer because, honestly, we're not as good at sensing that type of energy. You see, all fae have the talent of energy manipulation, just different types of energy- for example the twins mostly manipulate passion, romance, lust and creativity- this doesn't mean that they can't sense other types of energy, it just means that those are the types they are best at manipulating and ,therefore, detecting."

It took me a moment to process this information and after a while I asked " So, would that explain why I'm able to detect a change in the general mood of an area or person?" L thought for a second " I believe it would." Well that's cool, turns out he did have answers. "I'll be going back to the garden for a bit, see ya later L !" I said, "Until later, V." he replied.

As I walked through the garden, I thought about all the coincidences and things that I couldn't explain before. It all makes sense now. I'm not human. That makes a lot of sense, since humans are known for hating the fae folk, that explains why nobody liked me. How did I not notice this before? After all that research. Well, at least I know now, I finally fit in somewhere.

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