Chapter 8

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The next day I woke up with a huge head ache and I was sick to my stomach. Not to mention the fact that I slept in and I was now extremely late. I decided to stay home from school and relax.

I needed time to think about all the crazy stuff that has been happening lately. Since we moved here my life has changed a lot, I met a really great guy, but I've only known him for a few days. I think we're going too fast. We need to be friends before I can let myself continue with Landon. And I need to tell him that so he doesn't get the wrong idea and think that we can be a couple.

The day dragged on and finally I heard Lily and Landon slam their car doors shut, letting me know that the school day has come to a close. Just when I figured they'd gone into their house, I heard the door bell ring. No one else was home so I concluded that I was the one that would have to answer the door.

When I opened it, and to my surprise, it wasn't Landon. I saw a very questioning Lily standing on the step. "Where have you been?" She asked as she walked into the empty entry way, uninvited I might add.

"Well I didn't feel very good when I woke up, and I woke up late, so I figured I might as well stay home."

"Is that all that's bothering you?"She asked.

"I've just been thinking about a lot of things. I guess I'm a little homesick for Salt Lake." I said avoiding the fact that the main thing I've been thinking about is her brother.

"Well, maybe you'll start liking it better sometime soon." She said as she started to head out the door. " I better go, I just wanted to check on you and make sure you were still alive." She laughed and so did I.

"Well, thanks!" I laughed as I shut the door behind her.

As the day went on, nothing changed. I decided to make things change.

I walked outside of my house, and headed to the backyard. I sat on the bench where I had talked to Landon, and I waited. I figured Landon might remember the interaction between us that took place here. It was the first time we hugged. it was where the flirting had started. it was where I had first thought he might actually be into me. It was where the ball started rolling. It was where everything had begun.

Like the first day I came out here, moments after I got sat down, I heard the grass rustling behind me.

I turned around to see a smirking Landon walking in my direction. He took a seat next to me on the bench without saying a single word to me.

I put my hand in his, "Hey Landon." I laughed as Landon laughed with me.

"Well, hey there!" he said still laughing.

"I figured if I came out here you'd come out here too." I smiled.

"Yeah, I kinda can't stay away from you." Why does he say things like that when I want to try to tell him I want to slow things down?

"I know, I have that same problem."

"I wouldn't call it a problem, I really like spending time with you." He said as he kissed me on my cheek.

"Landon, I've been thinking about that. How long have we known each other? Four? Five days? I mean, I really like you, but we hardly know each other to be acting like we've been a couple for years. I mean, I really like you... like a lot, but I think we should slow this down." I said not looking at him in the eyes. I looked up, "That is, if you still want to?"

He pulled his hand away from mine slowly and gently. "I guess I've wondered if we've been moving to quickly too, but I was okay to just ignore it. You're right, we should take it a little slower, but just know... I like you a lot too. At least the little bit I know about you."

So he felt the same way and didn't freak out! There's still hope for us! I didn't ruin everything!

We talked for almost two hours outside before heading inside. It ended up getting a little chilly, so like a gentleman, Landon let me wear his jacket. We got comfortable, but weren't cuddling. Though Landon was playing with my fingers, it felt like so much more.

Every time we are together, it always feels like so much more.


Thanks for reading! Don't hate me! Comment? I need 15 before the next chapter is posted(:


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