Chapter 9

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Weeks passed, and Landon and grew closer. We talked a lot, and cuddled... But other than that, nothing had changed much.

Landon he'd been moving up in rodeo championship and the competition was getting pretty tough. He had been putting in all of his extra time into practice at the stadium. I had been putting in some time at the stadium, not once riding an animal. I was always in the stands cheering him on, or sitting with Landing on his short, few and far between breaks. He was putting in all the effort he had, it was paying off.

He was also getting definitely more attractive. His arms were more defined, And his tan was getting just about perfect. He looked like one of the sun-kissed Gods. Though he always wore at least a tee shirt or a plaid button up, with the sleeves rolled up so his forearms were showing.

I sat in the stand, waiting for Landon to finish his last training before the big competition. He was working on a hard trick, and was getting quite frustrated.

He rode over towards me and looked gorgeous.

"I want a break." he said as he tied the rope so his horse wouldn't get away.

"Well come up here cowboy!" I laughed.

Landon walked up the stairs and sat next to me. He turned his head and just smiled.

"What's with the goofy smile?" I asked.

"I don't know. I guess you're just cute." he smirked as he spoke.

"Oh you know it!" I laughed as I punched him softly in the arm.

"But really, Aria, you are pretty dang cute." He kept pulling the mood back to serious.

"Um," I spoke as I slid my hand into his, "You're pretty cute your self."

We sat in the stands, held hands, and flirted. It was shameless flirting. But still, it was technically flirting.

When it was close to 8:30, I had to leave. Arena rules, which I thought seemed ridiculous, but I obviously don't run the place. The fact that I left made it so that Landon would actually end up practicing without distractions.

That night I ended up dreaming of Landon again.


Sorry it's so short!

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