Chapter 2

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Dad gave me and Andy a tour of the new house, telling us what room would be ours and mom and dads plans for the house. I wish I could have picked rooms instead of getting stuck in the corner of the house, but I guess the corner has its perks, it's quiet and secluded.

I began unpacking my boxes for a couple hours until I heard the doorbell.

"Is anyone going to get that?!" I yelled tying not to have to be the one to answer it.

No answer.

"Coming!" I screamed, doubting that anyone would be able to hear my little voice in this big house.

I ran down the stairs, trying to not trip but still not make our first official visitors wait. I opened the door and to my surprise, was a family of four.

They looked alike so I figured that they were all related. The mom looked like she was in her early forty's, same as the dad. She was holding a container but I couldn't seem to find out what t was, without looking like I was snooping. They had a son who looked like he was about 16 or 17, right between me and Andy. They also had a daughter; she looked as if she was around my age, 15.

"Hello, we're the Everett's, your neighbors." The mom spoke.

"Hi, I'm Aria Deco. Would you guys want to come in?" I asked.

"Oh it's fine, we should let you get back to whatever you were doing, we just wanted to come over and bring you guys some dinner." she explained.

"Oh that's so nice!" I wondered what it was.

"It's just some taco soup me and Dave made, Landon made the cinnamon rolls, and Lillie picked out the pop." So his name was Landon or was it Dave? "Oh here! Let me introduce you to everyone! I'm Teresa, my husband Dave, my son Landon, and my daughter Lily." she said as she motioned towards everyone as she explained who they were.

By this time, my mother had shown up to hear the introductions.

"That's so sweet of you guys! You shouldn't have!'' she was probably just glad that she didn't have to cook tonight. I looked at each one, the mother could eventually get annoying, if she wasn't putting on a front. The dad, i could probably get along with better, but he would probably be friends with my dad in a matter of minutes. The son, typical cowboy. he was wearing a button up shirt, jeans and a pair of scuffed up cowboy boots. He got under my skin. I had no clue why he did, but he did. Since i noticed the son's attire, i noticed that they all were wearing more of a cowboy themed outfit. The daughter was about my age, but she looked like she was older than me but only by a tiny bit. I looked back to the son, Landon. I looked away just in time to avoid the awkward moment of having someone you don't know stare at you. They looked like they were just getting ready to leave.

"Not a problem" Dave said as he handed the box carrying the food to mom.

"do you need any help unpacking or with anything?", the mom asked. i guess they weren't wanting to leave to soon.

"no," my mom said," but we appreciate the offer! We're almost done, i cant believe it."

"Well, let us know if you guys need any help or anything." Dave, the dad said as they turned to go.

"Okay, thanks!" and with that, my mother shut the door.

Mom walked over to the counter and set the box down.

"I saw you checking out their son, Aria." She kind of laughed as she said it.

"I was not! I looked at all of them," i said, probably too quickly, "besides, he's probably a stinky cowboy."

"Well what's wrong with a cowboy?" she wasn't going to drop this.

"I don't know, they sit on stinky, sweaty animals all day." I pictured Landon on a horse, oh my gosh, what was i doing thinking about someone i hadn't even had a real conversation with!?

"Whatever lets you sleep at night."

I walked back to my room, and finished most of my unpacking that day. Now, just have to get ready for school to start next week. Great, I wont know anyone.


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