Chapter 12 Part 1

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Hey guys! Here's part one!

Thanks to livexlovexlaugh for my 600th vote! I can't believe it!


I walked from my house to Landon's wearing my pink brand shorts and a light tee shirt. Landon met me at his back door with a humongous bear hug for me. He was wearing basketball shorts, with a white tee shirt. He looked incredible.

"Hey babe," I heard him say while we were still hugging.

"Thanks for letting me come over." I smiled at him as we slowly pulled away.

We walked through his house, saying hi to his parents and Lily, before we got settled in his entertainment room. I had never been in Landon's house, and it was amazing. It had been painted a light tan color with matching tile near the entry way near the back door.

"So what do you feel like doing? I know we said we would watch a movie, do you still feel like it?" he questioned.

"Well, I am up for anything. I just don't feel like being at my house right now. I need a distraction."

On the coffee table in front of the couch was all the treats I could imagine. He had every single one of my favorite candy, plus popcorn and more.

"I know exactly how to distract you." Landon laughed. He stood up from the couch before he offered me a hand.

The next thing I knew, Landon and I we in his car, on the way to the stadium. Where else would he have taken me? I felt very out of place, mainly since I had change into one of Landon's long sleeve shirts and sweatpants.

The stadium was mostly empty by now, with about ten people still wandering through the stands. The lights were dimmed, and the excitement from the crowds was gone. Now all that was left were janitors, trash cans, and the last of the crowd to filter out.

"Who competed tonight?" I wondered since Landon had been with me on our date besides school.

"It was the junior division. I compete with the senior division in our area." He almost seemed that he was trying to impress me. And he sure was.

"Wow, I guess you are a true cowboy!" I winked as he laughed.

"I guess you can call me that." he smirked back to me. "I bet you're wondering what crazy reason I would bring you here for."

"I'm more wondering why I hang out with you." I laughed, before adding, "But yeah, I was wondering what was going to happen."

Landon started leading us toward where the horses were resting after a big competition. He grabbed a saddle, and paused trying to figure out which of the horses he wanted to ride.

He eventually found a horse, obviously taking the time to decide which horse was right for him. He placed the saddle on the horse's back, and turned to look at me.

"Hop on dear." he winked.

"Um what?" Did he really tell me that? I have never been near a horse, let alone on one. And I wasn't going to make a fool of myself I front of my new boyfriend.

"Yeah you," he said picking me up. "It's your turn to ride the horse now. You always see me on it, now its my turn." he said with a devious look in his eyes.

"Landon I swear if you put me on that horse-" he cut me off.

"What Aria? What are you gonna do?" he challenged.

"I won't kiss you for a week!" I bartered.

"You wouldn't!" he stopped in place.

"Put me on that horse and find out!"

He set me down, on the ground. He kept his hands around my waist, smiling in my direction.

l slowly stood on the tip of my toes and kissed him.

"Aren't you glad I can still do that?" I laughed.

"I knew I would rather kiss you than see you ride my favorite horse." he said as he hugged me. "But really, will you get on the horse?"


Should she get on the horse? What did you think?

15 votes before the next part! I know you can do it!

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