Chapter 10

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I got home from school the next Monday, to find a small, rectangular, white package left on my doorstep addressed to me. I could tell it wasn't from a service like the UPS store or Fedex. It was dropped off by the person who sent it. They had written my name across the top, in black marker, with "Open Me" underneath.

I picked it up, feeling how heavy it was, and tried to guess what was inside. Was it a all bowling ball? Was it a book or two? Was it a pair of shoes?

I walked inside and set the package on my kitchen counter. I wondered who had left it on my front doorstep. Then it hit me, Landon left it there for me to see when I got home from school.

I slowly opened the box, finding a great surprise. It was a light brown pair of cowboy boots. I checked to see what size they are, and to my amusement, they were exactly my size.

Underneath the boots, there was a dark purple card with silver words printed on it.

"Take these boots, wait till seven. Put them on, and we'll walk to heaven. Love, Landon." Landon had written in the card. What does that mean? 'Walk to heaven'?

Well what ever it meant, I had almost three hours until it happens. And I had close to three hours to get myself ready for the surprise. I had a lot to do. I decided to change my clothes, not only so they would match my new boots, but to be more comfortable. I fixed my makeup and applied more eyeliner, hoping for a natural looking version of a Smokey eye. While I was finishing up, my phone buzzed on my bedside table.

I clicked to open my text messages and found the message that Landon read "I can't wait for tonight! Don't eat and dress warm!" I didn't bother to reply since he was planning to be at my house twenty five minutes later.

Well, seven o'clock came around all too fast. Landon knocked on my door while i was changing. I hurried to run down the stairs without injuring myself and invited him in. "So I got your package." I stated in pants.

"I figured you did." he laughed as he gave me a hug. "How do the boots feel? They actually make you a little bit taller!"

"Oh shut up, not everyone can be as tall as you!" I laughed as he winked at me.

"Well are you ready to get going?"

"Yeah, just let me get my jacket." I said as I started to walk away.

"Oh, you won't need it." He surprised me by saying.

"Really? You said in your text to dress warm?" I wondered.

"You'll be fine without one. I'll make sure you stay warm." He smirked as he took my hand leading me out the door.

We got into his car, which he had driven to my driveway, the one right next door to his own house. He drove us through Starbucks. The only one it the town. It wasn't even a restaurant, it was a drive through hut. We both got double hot chocolates with whipped cream. Then he drove is to a lake.

"Well, we're here." he said as we both looked at the vacant lakeshore beach.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask since the suspense was killing me.

"You'll see!" he laughed and smirked as he got out of the car and opened my door.

We walked over close by the shore and found some logs set up around a fire pit. Either Landon was here earlier or someone very graciously left a pile of firewood cut and ready to burn next to the logs used as benches.

"You planned this!" I gasped as it clicked in my head.

"Well, I thought you knew that when I left that box on your step!" Landon chuckled at my little outburst.

All I could do was run over to him and give him a huge hug. Landon picked me up and spun me around still hugging me. I giggled as a reaction.

He set me down but didn't let go. He kept his hands on my hips, holding me close to him. The look in his eyes had changed from joking around and flirting, to something I had never seen before. He started to lean in as he tilted my chin up towards him. Then, without any surprises, his lips connected with mine. It was nothing like what I expected kissing him would be like. It was extremely innocent, yet experienced. And as soon as its started, it ended.

Like almost single girl in Bridges Point, I had always admired Landon's charming qualities and how handsome he was. His tanned skin and gorgeous eyes were always a great joy to view. But standing this close to him, I couldn't help but notice for anything but the first time just how muscular his shoulders were, and how much taller he was than I am.

I started to move my hand from around his arm, but Landon caught it in his just before it fell. When I looked into his eyes again, his expression was sad yet loving. For a moment I thought maybe he was regretful, but before I could ponder it further, he let go.

Landon walked away about ten feet and started pacing back and forth with his hands on his hips. "I'm sorry, Aria," he said in a strangled voice. "That wasn't right. I shouldn't have done that."

"It's okay Landon, really." I said, looking at the ground.

"No it's not, Aria, I didn't even ask you if I could. I shouldn't have kissed you." He said running his hands through his hair.

"Landon, honestly, I'm glad you did it. And I'm actually glad you are responding this way because it shows me that you respect me. I wish all guys were this way." I walked over to him and held his hand. "It shows how good of a guy you are."

"I just hate it when guys do that to Lily, so I don't want to be that guy." He said looking down towards the beach.

"Let's go sit down." I said taking control if the date and leading us toward the campfire pit and log benches.

"Its starting to get chilly out here so I'll get the fire burning. You'll love it. Have you ever seen a driftwood fire?" he asked changing the subject.

"I haven't, but I've heard they're really cool." I said handing him some kindling.

"They're my favorite. The salt from the water burns and changes colors."

We got the fire burning and snuggled up to each other on a log bench.

"So you really aren't mad that I kissed you?" Landon asked as he rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Nope, any time you want to, go ahead." I smiled as I subtly hinted. Obviously Landon got the hint, seeing as he kissed me for sometime tonight.

Before we called it a night, Landon asked me one last question.

"You know Aria, we've known each other for a while, and I really like you. And you seem like you kinda like me.... So I was wondering if you would please be my girlfriend?"


What do you think she'll say? 15 comments before I post the next chapter(:

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