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Since we have the crew with the house now, let's get to the others.

Third person pov

Meanwhile when the crew escaped the site the three other ones that were friends with scientists were shocked by what they saw.
(How did they see it? Well....

(I'm lmao as I wrote this X''D)

As Tubbo, jack, and Nikki were talking and bout to go to their scps they saw the 5 of their friends walking towards the big center.  They decided to join just not being suspicious ò > ó. They saw the head of the site walk in then yelled the men to fire at them and yet they even saw bad and George were being held hostile and the others includingthe scientists (Tommy, George, bad and sy) escape. They trio ran to the janitors closest and started talking.

Jack:omfg this is nuts! They almost killed them and yet I think we're next!!

Nikki:oh nu,  I think we should do the same and escape at all cost with our scps I mean this crazy!!

Tubbo:I think we leave this place and meet up at the our dorms with scps.

Jack:its settled then.

The trio nodded in agreement and went to their scps.

With Nikki

Nikki ran down the hallway and took a turn and jack did as well since he was with her. The two spotted Nikki's scps.



A female sheep that has rainbow fluff that can control water. Such as in freezes, boil and even evaporate.  She is not hostile to ones she judges, she will be hostile to ones that are worth it. Though if person troubled themselves in panic attacks or crying, sadness or im distress the sheep will hop itself to the person and proceeds them to sit down with them and then a calming ocean sounds will be heard to calm the person.


Is a small ring box that will attached itself to one or two living beings. The box has sharp corners and and a purple velvet cover with black jewls on it. Legend has it that those who aren't chosen if they opened the box M-9-14-24 either
A:drag them into the box and forever be stuck there
B:have bad luck for the rest of their lives

If ones who Scp-M-9-14-24 have chosen opened the box a woman with apper and be nice to them but if the person who been chosen changed and be a bad person they will be curse.

Nikki:come here little ones

The sheep grab the box with its teeth and hopped over to Nikki. Jack hold he's hand out to see if he can pet her the sheep nodded and as soft fur the sheep is a pillow.

Nikki:come on now ain't the time to be pillows in a bunch let's get tubbo and his scps and get outta here.

Nikki putted Scp-M-9-14-24 in her pocket and ran towards tubbo, the scp he was with were


Scp-R-1-14-2-15-15 is a tall figure with a height of 7'0 with means if someone go against R-1-14-2-15-15 will win. (deo, may wanna go against for a tie.) If others than the ones he trust look at him we proceeds and attack them. R-1-14-2-15-15 is neutral meaning he does not harm, you'll only need a pumpkin like mask to walk around him. R-1-14-2-15-15 can teleoport to location he can see or reach, he'll leave purple partials when he walks or teleoport. Sometimes he argues with himself saying that "my yin and yang are doing it again and I can't help but to cover my ears but it'll fail."

Tubbo:hehehe, come let's go, to the vents. 

As the gang went to the vents let's just R-1-14-2-15-15 was the last one and pulling him out was long but hey magic (what am I doing.) And as for Scp-P-21-7-7-25  was kinda easy for some. As the gang reached the forest and found a cave to sleep in, they knew what they must do....

Find the others and join units with them or else they will be the food chain.

End of chapter



uthor notes
Hey guys I know it been a while but uhh... I read some of... adjusting (and watched the rubber) I been told that scps were not all humanoid and some were objects and stuff and I wanna is this is my story and I'm sorry if it breaks reality for some of you, but its fiction okay? I not mad or some crap but please.. just go with flow of this.
Thank you

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