Chapter 1

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I just enter the MN Airport when I heard someone behind me yelled out to me

"London won't see what hit them!" My twin brother, Alex,  said from the car. I gave him a thumbs-up as I went farther in, I could still feel him watching me. Having my twin brother look out for me, I would miss this feeling, make me feel better when I felt like crap, and make me laugh when I thought I couldn't. But going to London gave me the chance to explore who I am

What if I can't do this?

I thought constantly till I got to London, my whole body was tired by the time I got out of the London City Airport. I was unsure where to go and what to do, but did I let that stop me? Heck no! I walked to the nearest gas station and asked for a map

Alright, Lucy, you're doing well for your first time in London. Let's just hope that I can find a hotel to stay at

As I walked along the sidewalk still looking at the map I heard someone scream. It sent shivers down my spine, I followed where it came from and found someone on the ground. I rushed over to see if they were still alive, but as I got closer someone came behind me and hit me in the back of my head hard. The only thing I remember was someone saying something then punching me. The man didn't say anything, but I tried to look up but I couldn't. Everything around me was blurry, gosh I should have fought back when I realized someone was behind me

So this is how I'm going to die! Great, just great. I wish I told Alex that I'm the one who ate his dessert 2 years ago instead of blaming it on Henry and Harper. Then there was darkness


I was playing my violin when a cop car showed up, I thought it to be Lestrade given the way the person drove and parked. But to my dismay, it was just some random cops from Scotland Yard, I heard the door to 221 B open, voices talked one of them Mrs. Hudson of course. The other two sounded like a woman and a man

"Excuse us Ma'am but we are here to see Mr. Homes" I could barely make it out, the door to my flat was ajar but barely even noticeable to the untrained eye like mine. Footsteps came up the hall and to my door

"You heard us?" The woman asked

"You see but do not observe, I saw the car down the street. I had originally thought it was Lestrade out of his depth again, by the way, you drove and parked. But there is always one thing I don't get right, I watched as you walked into 221 B. I could hear you but not that well either, and the only time you guys or Lestrade come is because you can not solve the case without my help" The officers looked at me in dismay, shock on their faces felt normal yet weird at the same time. They moved a little before speaking

"Um, Mr. Holmes we need you at St. Barts Hospital. It is a new case that the D.I. thought you would like, there is a Woman there who survived. Detective Inspector Lestrade asked us to bring you there"

"I'll be there, but not in a police car," I said, the officers went down to the car and sped off. I went to grab my coat when I realized that John had not gotten here yet, I grabbed my phone and texted him

Met me at St. Barts quickly, we have a new case. - SH


Beeep. Beeep. Beeep

Ugh, my head hurts

I move my hand up to rub the back of my head before opening my eyes. Before I can move my hand back there someone grabs it

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