Chapter 5

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I was reading again when Mrs. Huddson came in for the second time after Sherlock left

"Just coming to give you some food Dear"

"That's not needed Mrs. Huddson, I can make my own food"

"Are you sure Dear?"

"I'm sure," I  said getting up, it was 8 in the evening, and Sherlock hasn't come back yet

What is taking him so long?

Mrs. Huddson left me alone again. I went over into the kitchen again and made some dinner before Sherlock came back, I had made my favorite meal, pasta! There was no tomato sauce so I improvised and just used butter and put some parmesan cheese on top, not what I was used too but I didn't mind. Sherlock came in at 8:10 after I had finished making it

"Did you?"

"Yep, I hope you don't mind. I just wanted Mrs. Huddson to take a break"

"Oh, no, it's fine," He said getting dinner too

"What took you so long?"

"Lestrade wanted me to go with him on a case of his, wasn't that hard," He said it like it was nothing. He sat down in his chair and looked around the place, I had cleaned it a little bit. It was too messy for me, didn't move anything things that much

"Did you do some cleaning?" He asked

"Yeah, was a little messy so I did some cleaning. Didn't move things that much so don't worry" He didn't bother by the way he moved, by the time we had finished dinner Mrs. Huddson came up to see if Sherlock was back

"Hoo, hoo," She said again

Must be what she says when she comes up here

Sherlock was on his computer writing about stuff on his blog, he didn't notice her right away till I made a coughing sound

"Oh Mrs. Huddson," He said getting up

"I didn't know if you were back yet before I saw you, just wanted to say, Goodnight Sherlock"

"Goodnight Mrs. Huddson," He said it so plainly. Like he had no emotions at the time. Mrs. Huddson went back downstairs back to her flat. I have been sleeping on the couch because I didn't want to kick Sherlock out of his bed because of me, he retreated to his room and I having a night with the couch. I had closed my eyes and fell asleep quite quickly

-In Dream-

It was High School all over again, I was in the Principle's office for something I hadn't done. I had gotten framed for something, I had no idea yet. My Mother was with me

"I'm sorry to have had called you Mrs. Park"

"It's alright Principle Harlen"

"You're Daughter Lucinda is here because she has done something"

"And that would be?" Mom asked looking at me, I shrugged not even knowing myself

"She has defaced one of the girl's bathrooms"

"I haven't done anything!" I defended myself

"We have witnesses saying otherwise"

"Who are they if I may ask?" Mom asked again

"Some girls called Clara, Jamie, and Karla"

The mean girl who hates me the most out of the whole school

"What did they say?" I asked

"They said and I quote 'Lucinda Park was in the girl's bathroom by the cafeteria spray painting on the wall' we asked the janitor to go in there and see if it was true. We had found a note saying how this school sucks"

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