Chapter 10

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"What are you talking about?" I asked Mycroft

"She wasn't there," He said, Lestrade came in with tea for John

"Good to see you up," He said

"Where is Lucinda?" I asked him, I saw Mycroft roll his eyes

"She isn't anywhere near Baker Street, it looked like there had been a fight," He said, I eminently went back to what had happened

"We need to find her!" I said sitting up straight, ignoring the pain while I breathed

"You need to stay here," John said pushing me down a bit

"No! She needs to be safe! Someone has her and is going to hurt her!"

"You need to heal!" Mycroft yelled at me, John and Lestrade backed up toward the wall. I sat back up again not even feeling the pain anymore, I looked Mycroft dead in his eyes

"No," I said, I had never fought back against my older brother before. But if it meant she would be safe, then it was worth it. Mycroft looked at mem no words coming out of his mouth, I felt John and Lestard looking at me

"Sherlock..." Mycroft started to say, Lestrade and John left once they knew what I was saying. I was still looking at Mycroft

"No," I said again, he shifted his weight

"Sherlock, you're being emotional"

"Of course!" I shouted, "I love her!"

I love her... I never thought I would say that out loud

Mycroft looked at me, he seemed puzzled. Mycroft has always had a good poker face, and this time it was no different

"When did this happen?"

"Like I should know"

"Answer the question, Sherlock!"

"Last week, when we went out on that date with John and Mary. It was going we were only a few feet from The London Eye" I finished, Mycroft paced for a bit "Mycroft you have to help me find her" He looked at me "Please" His face went to shock, I had rarely ever said please before. But I will need his help more than ever


I woke up on an autopsy table, my legs and hands cuffed to the sides. I had a massive headache once I had opened my eyes, I looked around

Operating tools, shrubs, what are they going to do to me?

I felt a hand on my foot, I tried to lift my head but it was strapped down too

"She is awake Captain" The voice was familiar, like one of Geroge's soldiers. It was a male with a scruffy voice

"Good" It was Geroge, there was no mistaking that voice for someone else. I turned my head toward him, he had a devilish grin on him, like he was playing a game of chess with Alex again

"You..." I said still groggy, he walked over to me

"Did you know it was me?" He said before grabbing my face


"You never follow the rules, Lucinda, you moved before asking if it was okay with me. But mostly because you are a disgrace to everyone you know" I felt like crying, not that many good things happened to me. But him saying them made old wounds come back but with salt in it

"That is not true!" I yelled with all the strength I had, I felt tears coming, threatening to come

"You know it is, you just want to ignore it" He moved a little, it made me nervous

Sherlock hurry... please

At that, they knocked me out again


I and Mycroft had an let's say a disagreement, but in the end, I won. Mycroft had gone back to his office and John stayed with me, my nurse said I could go if I was careful, but John had ordered me to stay before he left. Once again I was alone... just like the cases I worked with Lucinda on, it was just her and me. My phone pinged letting me know I got a text, I grabbed it faster than normal, I hopped it was Lucinda but it was Lestrade.

We'll find her, just get better - GL

I sighed knowing that I and Mycroft would be able to find her. I put my phone down and started to think

Must be someone of a military background, an expert with weapons, a knowledge of where she would be, know how she fights

Geroge came into my mind

He fits everything, him trying to take her away when we had a 'date'. He is an ex-military man, and know-how she fights better than anyone

I grabbed my phone and texted Mycroft

Got an idea, check cameras near any military base, UK the US, hurry - SH

I could tell he saw it, he always looked whenever I texted him (that and it said he read it). I got up but a nurse came rushing in, by the time he came in I was by my clothes

"Sir?!" He said confused "But Mr. Watson said not to let you leave"

"Dismiss what he said, he's an Army Doctor. He doesn't know me more than myself, and the Police need me anyway" I said before getting dressed. The nurse left once I said that, but by the time I came into the hallway he was there

"I'm sorry sir but I can't let you leave," He said I pushed through him and got to the streets

I'll find you, Lucinda, I promise

The Fate of Lucinda ParkWhere stories live. Discover now