Chapter 3

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Sherlock grabbed me by my coat sleeve and dragged me out, once we got to the street he let go of my coat. He called for a cab, pushed me in and we went off

"Can you give me a little more information?"

"There is nothing but women disappearing with notes left for the police, there are no fingerprints, nothing left behind" Sherlock seemed giddy about this

But I do read mystery and crime novels

The taxi came to a stop outside of the Police department, Sherlock paid the guy for the trip and started to walk up when I assumed would be another cop stopped him

"What are you doing here Freak?" She said

He may be a pain sometimes but no one should talk to him like that


"What do you want FREAK?!" Another student yelled in my face

"I-umm just wanted to let you know that you have something on your face"

~Shoves to floor~


--End of Flashback--

"You know, just because he is different doesn't mean you need to be rude about it" I pushed Sherlock over just a bit so I could look her straight in the eyes, as I had said that I put my figure up and poked her on the chest. People being rude to some who may be different bothers me to no end!

"I could arrest you for that"

"Go ahead, I can't wait to tell the D.I. about that" My sass came out and it wasn't holding back. She went to grab her cuffs when Sherlock butted in

"Sergeant Donovan she is with me" He pushed me back to face the Sergeant

I'm not done with her

"What are you doing here Freak?" She asked again

"We are here to speak with Lestrade about the case he just sent me"

"It's not in the mood to see anyone" At that Sherlock walked past her, I followed him not want to cause a scene. He walked over to the elevator, went inside, and waited for me to get in

This feels kinda weird

Some of my bangs fell in front, I lifted my hand to move a piece when I accidentally brushed his arm. I'm 5'8 with Sherlock about 6'1-6'2, so that would happen a lot from what I gathered, he just looked at me as I moved the piece of my hair back a bit. He was about to say something when we got to the floor that D.I. Lestrade was at, once it came to a stop and the doors opened he went to Lestrade right away; not wanting to waste time

"Where is the note?" Lestrade looked up and saw Sherlock first

He must have thought that he would have to go to Sherlock's apartment


I walked into the elevator waiting for Lucinda, I pulled my phone out to see if John texted me


Lucinda's hand brushed my right arm, I looked at her

The way her hair moves is beautiful

What was coming over me? I have never experienced this feeling before. I was about to open my mouth when the elevator stopped, I got out as soon as I could. Being around her has made me feel different like I could spend my whole life with her

Who would ever want me? I'm just as annoying as Sergeant Donovan

She followed behind me as we got closer to Lestrade's office, I opened the door

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