Chapter 2

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"Lestrade are you insane!" Sherlock yelled at the Detective, I was ready to jump out of this bed and punch him

"I'm not, Sherlock your the only person who can protect her if something goes wrong. We are spread too thin for this case as it is Sherlock"

"Just from meeting him, I already hate him! There is no way I'll do that!" Yeah, I'm beyond mad now

"Yeah well, I don't care!" Lestrade yelled at us, both my hands were in fists now. Kara came knocking on my door

"Excuse me everyone, but you guys need to leave now. Miss Park will be discharged tomorrow at 1"

Thank you so much, Kara!

"Miss, Sherlock will be staying with her. Police business"

No! I just wanted some time to myself after what happened

"Alright Detective, I'll make sure we get a chair in here soon for Mr. Sherlock" At that Lestrade followed Kara out of the room leaving me with Sherlock. He walked over to the window and looked out, I grabbed my phone again and started to text my BFF.

Hey in London now, how are you?

I put my phone down waiting till he could text me back, it was a long shot thought but I am still going to try. I looked up trying to find where my stuff was so I could have a book and read till I had to eat, I'm not a person to watch tv all the time: only to watch the news and weather. I spotted one of my bags that had the book I had started to read last night before going to the Airport

"Uh, Sherlock?"

"Yes?" He said turning around to face me

"Can you grab my bag, please? I need something in it" I asked nicely, he sighed like it was an order


After Lestrade left I went over to the window to look out and around St. Barts from where her room was. She was on the second level where a ladder could easily be placed

I'll have to keep an eye out toward here

"Uh, Sherlock?" I forgot Miss Park was here, she is the whole reason why I was stuck in this room thought

"Yes?" I turned on my heels to face her

"Can you grab my bag, please? I need something in it" She asked nicely, but it felt like an order from her. I accidentally sighed after she said that

This is going to be boring

I go and grab her bag and bring it to her not caring what's in it

I can't believe that Lestrade did this to me! Next time I see him, he is so going to get it

"Sorry to interpret, I have the chair for you, Mr. Sherlock," The nurse said bring in the chair, Miss Park was too into her book to notice

"Thank you," I said grabbing it from her and placing it a few inches from Miss Park's bed so I could still see the window. My phone went off

Can't come, Mary's got me busy with the house. Tell me about it tomorrow - JW

I haven't seen him in two weeks

I sigh again not even trying to stop it

"Everything okay?" I looked up to see Miss Park looking at me

"No, but don't worry about me" That was weird, I never open up to anyone right away...

"Yeah, no can do Sherlock" She started to sit up a little bit more than before "Like you said I have three siblings, I can handle anything someone throws at me"

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