Chapter 11

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*In Lucinda's dream*

I was back home with Jake

"Come here you jerk!" I said while running towards him, he ran out of my grasp once I got close enough

"You know it's the truth Lucy!" He replyed still running

"I am not that bossy!" I tried to takle him but hit the ground where he was standing. I had hit the ground so hard my lip and forearm started to bleed a bit, I didn't cry as I was so use to getting hurt by now. Espcilay after having a wipe out on my bike with out a helmet last summer

"You are!" Jake yelled at me from the tree, I stood up an went inside to get a drink. I had started to taste blood in my mouth, Dad was in the kitchen when I came in. He was making his famous Grilled Chesse Sandwich

"Hey Daddy" I said going over to get a glass. Our kitchen was very open and could fit our whole family in there plus 4 more people, Dad was a boss of a company based here in Minnesota. We had a big house with 7 beedrooms, 4 baths, and 2 playrooms. Alex's room was second to biggest not including the playrooms, mine was threerd. My room was like a princesses room just with some 'boy toys' with it. Dad faced me for a second

"Tasting blood again?" He asked while finishing up the first Sandwich

"Yeah, I hate this" I quietly slamed my foot on the floor, Harper was upstairs taking her day nap. Dad placed the sandwich on the plate closest to him and walked over to me

"I know you do, but there is nothing that can be done" I had the glass in my hand when he took it and filled it up for me. I went and sat down on the dinning chair, the water was cold and helpped me get rid of the taste. Jake came in as Dad went back to cooking

Jake sat down next to me and noticed my lip ad forearm bleeding now, he ran to grab a band-aid for my forearm and a small roll of toilte paper for my lip. I watched him come in and out of the kitchen like a luntic looking for something so simple

"Jake!" I called to him, he poked his head into the kitchen "I'm fine" At that Jake came back to the table, I heard Harper starting to cry for some reason. Mom was upstairs cleaning Alex's room while he was at a sleepover, Dad brought me and Jake our sandwiches. As I took a bite everything went dark then I was in the Hospital room, sitting next to Dad. The Nurse brught me out into the hallway. People were running to his room, for what I don't remember, they wouldn't let me see him, they wouldn't let anyone see him. They rolled him out of his room with a long blanket over him, Mom explained to me that it ment he was dead, but I knew he would make it

Dad is a fighter, but then why didn't he fight this?

I thought that for 3 years, me and my Dad were pretty close. But I guess I never forgot how close I was to him till now

*Out of Lucinda's dream*

I woke up and found myself in the same place before, no one around. I was still strapped down, but I felt my left wrist come out of the restrant. I started to tug at my right the best I could

I will get free


I was in a cab going to a wearhouse by the ocean, it had resently been baught by a company from the US. Mycroft's team was minutes away from it vurses me being just 2 minutes now, I had stopped at Baker Street to grab my gun incase things went wrong. The cab pulled up and there were car there Military cars to be exsact, no one was outside so I kicked the door in. Just has I came into one of the mny hallways there, someone tried to shoot me. I shot the lights out so they couldn't see me, I rushed towards them and started to fight them

*Mean while with Lucinda*

I had gotten my arms free along with my head, I started to do my feet when I heard gun shots

Sherlock, be careful

The door towards my right opened with George and a male coming towards me, they were running faster than I had seen him run in years. They saw me almost free, George grabbed me hard, basicly holding me like a doll, and we took off towards the door they came out of again. My body refused to move now, no matter how hard I comanded it to, my legs were dangling from George's back with my head watching the hallways in front. I felt cool air come down on my back

At least I can feel the tempature now

My body clams up when I'm around George, it's not my doing. That I know. The shots still ecoed in the hallways

*Back with Sherlock*

I came into an atopsy room, I looked around and saw the evidence of Lucinda being here. The door towars the right of the oprating table was still swinging. I had gotten this far by being me, now it was time to think like Lucinda...

But how?

I started to remeber all the things she had said about George, her family, life, and how everyone thought. I charged towards that door and was running after them, I was getting closer I could tell as I heard footsteps ahead of me

"Why do you have to do this! Why can't you just leave me alone?!" Lucinda yelled

I'm getting closer now

I got so close to them that I punched him in the neck, he turned around flung Lucinda over his shoulder and held her at gun point

"It's been a nice game Mr. Holmes, but now it's time to decide" I felt scared thought my face didn't show it "You're life, or her's" he finished

I am not going to let her die, not today, not ever

The Fate of Lucinda ParkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon