Chapter 4

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We arrived at Baker Street in front of a Cafe called Speedy, Sherlock unlocked (Kinda funny how that goes) the door to 221. He brought me up to his apartment and sat me down on the couch


"No thanks, I'm more of a Coke and coffee type of person" He looked at me for a second then came back with some water

"Sorry don't have any of those"

"It's all right" I took the glass from Sherlock, he went to sit down right after. He was looking at the case, nothing new had shown up and I think he might have solved the case by the way his body moved when he went to get his phone

*Later that week*

The rest of the week was okay nothing new really, I kept on reading when I could when I wasn't helping Sherlock make dinner, breakfast, and lunch. (An occasionally grabbing a fire extinguisher from him almost burning the food) Or when Mrs. Huddson wants me to help her clean a part of her apartment, but I think the biggest thing I have done is gotten used to how the way everyone talks in London: but I still talk like I was back in the U.S.

Saturday 11th, 10:00, someone came to the flat without notice while Sherlock was doing some sort of experiment (I didn't really care what he was doing at the time)

"Hoo, hoo" Mrs. Huddson interrupted my reading

"Hey, Mrs. Huddson," I said before putting my book down, Mrs. Huddson had let me borrow this book. It was about a girl and her destiny with some sword that can grant her the power to save her friends and loved ones, but when she losses her powers it all come with a price. I got interested in the part about a sword the most

"Hello, Dear, where is Sherlock?" I pointed toward the kitchen

"Thank you Dear" She brought a small yet lean man into the flat, he went over to one chair that was across from Sherlock's. Mrs. Huddson saw something on the wall near where I was sitting "What have you done to my wall?!" The man sat in the chair like it was his while Sherlock and Mrs. Huddson were talking

"Oh, hello, I didn't notice you there," the man said when I swung my feet to the floor

"It's okay," I said grabbing my book again not wanting to talk to anyone

Please just don't bother me

Sherlock came out with Mrs. Huddson behind him with some mugs, she started to go down to her flat as Sherlock came over to his chair. He was being his usual self in his blue top with dark blue pants but had a tan-colored coat on top, once he sat down and saw who was in front of him, he smiled. Both of them went to stand and give each other a hug

"What are you doing here?" Sherlock asked

"I got some time away from Mary and wanted to say hi," The man said, he looked at me once he finished

"Who is she?"

"Lucinda Park," I said not even looking up

"Lestrade has me on detail for her"

"Why would he do that? You're not even a part of the police"

"Spread too thin is what he said" I got up still reading and went over to the door that went to the stairs and hallway "Where are you going?" Sherlock looked over at me

"Downstairs, going to hang out with Mrs. Huddson," I said then closed the door behind me


Lucinda closed the door once she stepped out into the hall

"She is just a ray of sunshine," I said sarcastically

The Fate of Lucinda ParkWhere stories live. Discover now