Chapter 9

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I woke up like normal but didn't want to leave my bed, with the whole thing from last night and the card had gotten me scared. Before George came I felt safe, but now? Not at all...

I thought that going to London would mean something else for me

I eventually got up and changed into an oversized sweater, black yoga pants with pockets, and my Nike's. I walked up to his flat and knocked on the door, I heard a few sounds before Sherlock opened his door. He was still in his pj's and robe, I looked past him and every piece of paper that was on the table was now on the ground

"What happened?" I said pointing to the papers, he looked back then at me

"Oh, um. I was looking for something"

"That's a suitable answer, Mr. Holmes. Can I come in?"

"Uh, sure. What's wrong?" He said as I passed him over to the couch

"It's um... I..." I paced in front of the coffee table, I felt Sherlock looking at me all worried "I... when... I came back to my flat... there... was this card. And um..." I handed him the card, he looked it over twice. My hands had started to shake on their own, my mind racing, trying to figure out who put it there

"Where did you find it?"

"By my fridge" He got up and went over to me "It's getting worse, if they are after me there is no telling what they will do to get to me" I couldn't stop pacing till I bumped into him. I looked up, his eyes are sad and scared. They were mirroring my emotions too

"I will not let them hurt you remember? I will do anything to make sure you're safe alright?" He held onto my arms, he bent down a little so I could see him better. I started to cry, I got into a hug before I could comprehend what has going on with me, Sherlock started to sing a little

"Blue-eyed ballerina, God only knows how much I need ya. From day one, I knew you were the one" We swayed from side to side as he tried to help calm me down. By the time I was calm we had almost finished the song, I looked up

"How do you know that song?"

"I've heard you sing it" I smiled

He could hear me sing...? But I'm terrible at it

"You should sing more often"

"Why? I'm not that great of a singer"

"You are Lucinda, you just don't know it"



I turned around and saw some with a gun looking at us both, it wasn't John or Lestrade. I knew that for sure. They had a black mask and outfit, my body had just calmed down and now this. My life is just crazy

"Lucinda, behind me," Sherlock said, I went behind him. The man came closer, Sherlock fought him but got knocked out cold. The man came close to me and hit me on the head to knock me out

Sherlock... please... find me

(((Mrs. Huddson)))

I had gotten back from the market when I noticed everything around the main floor was a mess, I walked up to Sherlock's flat to find the door open. I put down my bags and went in, Sherlock was on the floor, Lucinda missing, and his flat a mess too. I ran over to Sherlock trying to get him up

Cuts, bruises, he needs Hospital

I got my phone and started to call 112, by the time the Ambulance was here I had given up on trying to tend to his wounds

"Do you know what happened Mrs. Huddson?" Detective Inspector Lestrade asked me

"I don't, I was out at the Market when it must have happened"

"We will let you know if anything changes, but for now Sherlock's going to St. Barts Hospital"

"Alright, have them call me when something changes. May want to let John know Detective"

"See you later Mrs. Huddson" I waved them goodbye as Detective Inspector Lestrade went off towards John's house


I arrived at John's not a moment later that wasn't needed, I walked up to his door and knocked. He answered after a minute

"Lestrade?" I looked at him

"John, something has happened at Baker Street"

"What is it?" John leaned against the doorframe

"Someone broke into 221B, Sherlock got hurt and Lucinda is missing now," I said as John straightened up

"Where is he?" John said going back into his house, I followed him

"St. Barts, he was hurt pretty bad" Mary watched us

"Is he awake?"

"No, but I had a feeling you should go there in case he does"

"Thanks, Lestrade, can you bring me there?"

"Of course John" I walked back to my car, john had changed and gotten in. We both went to St. Barts, we got into Sherlock's room, he looked beaten up. He had some stitches and bandages on him, his face was neutral like normal. I left John in the room to get him some tea


I sat down on the chair next to Sherlock, this was the first time I had seen him in a hospital, not by his own choice, Sherlock moved a little while still asleep. The door opened and Mycroft was there

"How is he?"

"Cuts, bruises, maybe more. I haven't checked yet"


"How did you find out?"

"Mrs. Huddson texted me, I had to leave a very important meeting"

"Then why did you come?" I said coldly, knowing Mycroft he would have stayed at that meeting if it wasn't important. Mycroft walked over to Sherlock's left

"Because he is my brother" He reminded me

"Yeah, I know. I haven't forgotten Mycroft"

"Good, so you follow"

"No I don't," I said standing up

"Our Mother would want to be here but she asked me," He said raising his voice a little

"I know you Mycroft, so explain why you are here" I raised my a little higher than his

"As I said, He is my Brother!" Mycroft was screaming at me now


I heard Mycroft and John before I opened my eyes

In Hospital

I looked around for Lucinda, Mycroft and John were getting into an altercation

"Please don't yell," I said, they looked at me

"Sherlock!" John came close to me and hugged me. I felt one of my ribs go into pain

Fractured Rib, Cuts, bruises

"Careful, I have a fractured rib," I said after John pulled away "Where is Lucinda?"

"She's gone missing..." Mycroft said

What?! No! I can't lose her!

Hey guys sorry for having a short chapter this week, I wanted this chapter to end like that. And I am sorry if that broke your heart, I just want each chapter to end on cliffhangers now as the book is starting to come to an end. I do plan on having a second book come out with more danger than before. And as I am also writing this I am watching Ladybug and Cat Noir season 4 on Disney Now, sorry if I put references of it in here, just saying it ahead of time.

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