Chapter 7

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After today's afternoon, I got a feeling I never had before. And it was for Lucinda... I don't know this feeling but it may not be good for either of us, once I closed the door to 221B I felt empty all of a sudden. I grabbed my gun and shot the wall twice to help me feel better, it didn't work. I went into the kitchen and made tea, that didn't work either

Wait... am I falling for her?

It was still unsure after all these three weeks, I went to bed feeling alone


I woke up by myself at 9, did everything I would in the morning. Changed into a cute top with a jacket and basic jeans and my Wedge Ankle Boots, I locked my door went up to Sherlock's flat. The door was open and I could hear Sherlock mumbling to himself, I could make out the words though. I walked in and made Sherlock tea before he noticed it

Must be busy with something

I placed his cup on the table that was next to him, looked at my phone for a second before looking at Sherlock again. I sat down on the couch

"How did you sleep?" I asked

"Fine, you?"

"Alright, I just need to replace the bed for better sleep though," I said grabbing my phone again to look for beds

"I found some that I thought you would like," He said handing me his computer, I looked at them. All twin-sized beds but in different styles and one of them was a day bed too. We left Baker Street to get the bed and everything for my flat, I picked a twin-sized bed with metal bearings and a frame. I did everything myself with Sherlock telling me how it looked and all that, once I got done with everything it was 9 in the evening. I didn't expect today to just be working on my flat. We both went upstairs to Sherlock's and talked for a bit, I got to know him better than I did before; he knew that I wouldn't change and he didn't try to change me, but what made me feel happy was that he listened to me. I went into the kitchen to make us some drinks when I felt him behind me, I turned around, his face a few millimeters from mine. I looked up at him his eyes were a bit green but mostly blue, he placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me

This has to be a dream... no one has and never will be this nice to me, it's a dream, it must be...

I pulled away and walked over to the couch, he stayed in the kitchen for a few minutes before coming into the living room

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," He said

"I don't know what came over me too," I said placing my head in my hands

"Are you alright?" He sat down next to me

"I feel like this is all a dream. No one has never been nice to me for as long as I can remember" I finally said after a minute of silence, Sherlock looked at me confused as to why I said that

"What do you mean by that?"

"I haven't had the best childhood..."

"You can tell me," He said making me face him

"You sure you want to know?"

"I'm positive"



It all started when my Dad died, I was 9 at the time... I lost him to Lung Cancer, I had a hard time dealing with it for a few months. I just wanted to be alone, I didn't eat that much and rarely left the house. When I started to feel better my Mom started to date a guy named George, he was nice to us all the time... but after he married my Mom he would hurt me and my sister if we ever did something he didn't like. He would lose his temper with me the most

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