Chapter 12

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I stood there for a second, thinking about every angle. Then I remembered I was wearing a bulletproof vest, I stepped forward a centimeter, Lucinda looked tired like she had been crying

No cuts, or wounds... He hasn't hurt her yet

"Kill me, just let her live," I said pulling my arms out indicating that I was ready. Lucinda started to try to get loose from his grasp, George pointed the gun to my heart and 'shot' me. I fell back making it seem real, I heard Lucinda scream, it hurt George's ears by the sound of him letting her fall to the ground. She crawled up to me, I was still wanted it to seem like he really shot me

"No, no, no, no, please don't leave me," She said cupping my face, she was crying now. I heard George run a little, Lucinda looked for blood. I shot up with my gun in my hand pointing it to George

"Don't move, the police are on their way" I said George stopped in his tracks

I am not letting you get away this time

George turned around as the military came behind me, they took him away from the way I had come. Lucinda was still on the floor, I kneeled next to her and hugged her

"I won't, I had promised you that," I said, she was sobbing

"I can't... I mean... I..." She stuttered this time, her head lifted towards mine while soldiers came to check on the Wearhouse

"I know," I said like I was stating a fact again

"Don't do that to me!" She said loudly while playfully hitting my arm

"I won't do it again, I promise you that" I heard someone yelling my name, but I focused on Lucinda. I closed my eyes for a second but when I opened my eyes Lucinda was kissing me, she placed her forehead on mine right after. I hugged her hard, never wanting to let go

"I love you, Mr. Holmes," She said in a quiet tone so I could only hear

"As do I Miss Park," I said in the same tone, I looked up for a bit before helping her up and bringing her out of there. She told me what happened from her point of view, and it sounded like I had gotten there in time. An ambulance was outside waiting for her, once they checked to make sure she was okay they had put a blanket on her. John and Lestrade came running up to us as I sat down next to her

I am never leaving your side again

"What the heck Sherlock?!" John yelled at me "You were supposed to stay at Bart's but instead me and Lestrade have to find out you went after the guy who had her from your brother!" John was fuming now, Lucinda looked over at me with her left eyebrow raised

"Next time tell us first Sherlock, we can't having you get hurt," Lestrade said before John walked away to calm down, I told Lestrade everything before we left for Baker Street


Sherlock had fallen asleep in the cab, I  was looking out the window thinking about how these past 2 months have been a  rollercoaster. Before we all left John explained that Sherlock had a fractured rib, cuts, and bruises. I admit with him being hurt and him coming to save me was a stupid move, but I guess you would do anything for someone you love.

Sure I never lived like a Fairytale after my Dad died, but now it felt like I was finally living one. But instead of a Prince to fall in love with it was a Consulting Detective, my life I never pictured it happening like this... but to get to the good things you have to go through the bad, and I certainly had plenty of those

We got closer and closer to 221B, I had started to call Baker Street my home now.

It's my forever home...

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