13| Dating?!

442 21 19

no outfit

Weekend Special!! This will be diffrent writing than usual...
(Mostly Astreria's Pov! First person!)

(Mostly Astreria's Pov! First person!)

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Astreria Pov:

It was six in the morning I felt the cool breeze go under my light shirt, who the hell opened the window?

I groaned as I rubbed my eyes, and pulled my blanket off as I put my slippers on and stretched and walked to the bathroom

I combed my Hair which gave slight shivers down my spine, my four type hair can be really hard to handle, I just decided to put my hair in a ponytail

I took a shower cap over my head, and hoped in the shower, It didn't take to finish my shower I just wanted to go to breakfast early even though I don't eat breakfast I just wanted to go

Padma was sleeping over at the Gryffindor common room, and Luna well she was somewhere

I changed my clothes and pet my kitten Morning-Star, she is very tired so I let her be

I went downstairs in the common room to see it almost empty with a few other students, I have no idea why I woke up this early I just did

I grabbed a piece of paper and just drew on it. After that I stood up and walked to the couch and took a small nap

The time passed and now it's Eight in the morning, The common room is filled then more kids before

I went to my dorm and put my shoes on and went to the great hall, I kicked a rock that was in the hallway for some reason just for a bucket of water to splash on me

It was the twins of course

"Fred! George!" I yelled

"Good morning darling" Fred pepped over my shoulder

"m'lady" George bowed

"I hate you guys, dry me off" I said crossing my arms

"Oh please it was just a little prank" Fred defended himself and his brother

"Dry me" I demand, I was not in the mood for games and jokes, I was tired and cold

"Ok princess" George whipped up a spell which dried me off

"Thank you" I muttered and walked to the great hall once again, looking at the floor for any thing weird

I reached the great hall and opened the huge doors, there were many kids talking and laughing about

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