31| Makeup!

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It was the day before the first task. Everyone was murmuring to one another thinking of the outcome.

All of contestants are feeling pretty well except Harry of course

Cho Chang is the only person outside of Gryffindor who wishes Harry good luck with the first task that is coming up.

Today, the students visit Hogsmeade village. Harry goes with Hermione under his Invisibility Cloak so he can relax and avoid dealing with anymore problems

While he was 'avoiding his problems' two of them walked in

If he were smart enough he would know that he would never avoid problems in his lifetime, he attracts them

Even though he's under the cloak Astreria can still sense his presence, they've been in each other's personal space a lot lately

"He's here" Astreria mumbled rolling her eyes

"Who?" The ginger asked



"No! you idiot" Astreria mumbled, "Harry"


"Has he apologized to you yet?"

"No" He flipped his hair

She sighed, "let's go some place else"

"But i'm hungryyyyy" Ron whined while being pulled out of the door

They didn't know that the same people they were talking about was talking about them..

"oh no Harry they just left!" Hermione whispered

"I know" He sighed staring into space

Hermione furred her eyebrows and snapped her fingers at his face

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