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End of class, The four of them gathered a little bit of tension

End of class, The four of them gathered a little bit of tension

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"Why am I here" Ron asked

"Well Ronald, We have to help Harry with the dragon spell" Hermione replied

"What does that have to do with me?" He rolled his eyes

"The more looking the better"


"Just suck it up and look Ron" Astreria interrupted the conversation

"Fine" He mumbled

The quartet was looking all around the library for the books, some were more focused then others...

"OW?" shrieked Ron


"Focus!" Hermione yelled whispered

Instead of responding Ron made a face and kept 'searching'

"Hey, did you guys talk?" Astreria whispered to Harry

"I didn't have time to... I will but it's been a busy day today" Harry sighed

"How come?" She said curiously

"I got in trouble..not really 'trouble' but I had to talk to the teacher with one eye..I forget his name"

"I don't remember either" Astreria shrugged

"Anyway I noticed that all the contestants knew about the dragons except Cedric, so I felt that he needed to know only to be fair, but I got caught."

"So what happened then?"

"I thought I was going to get removed but professor said teaching is all about the games or tradition" He explained doing quotations with his fingers

"Oh alright, nice to know" She walked away but felt a hand on his shoulder

She sighed and turned around, like she thought it was Harry


"Astreria, in really sorry about everything I did, I was being such a horrible person and im sorry" He confessed

"Took you long enough" She smiled and nugged his shoulder, "All you need to do is say the same thing to Ron"

"Alright" Harry smiled

"lets look for your little spell" Astreria waved her hand signaling he should follow her

Twenty minutes passed and only Hermione herself, brought a book actually three books

"You guys found nothing?" She widened her eyes

The three sook there heads

"Guys this terrible, why am I doing all the work with this!! I searched really hard and-"

"Stop chit chatting and open the book, we don't have time for your complaining, scold us later" Astreria quickly ended her mouth

"Right, sorry" Hermione mumbled

The quartet read through the book and didn't seem to find any good ones or at least the ones they wanted

They read to second one as well and it was a basically Ron saying "What about that one" And Hermione responding "no"

Before looking through the last one mione suggested that they should look for some more books before reading the third

So they all went there separate ways. While looking Astreria felt someone staring at her. She looked to the side and someone was and not who she was expecting

"Is there a problem?" Astreria asked the person

"There's always one when it come between you and me" Said a bleached blonde boy the one and only Draco Malfoy

"What is it then?" She glared

"You could have decided to join me and my friends, we could have a been a great duo"

"You still caught up on this? Its been a year, you in love with him or sum?" Astreria crossed her arms

"Of course not! Im in love with you!"

Astreria didn't think he was thinking at that moment because the look on his dace said it all

"Really now?" Astreria raised her eyebrows and smirked

"NO! I didn't mean that!" He stammered his words and stormed off with his face brightly red

"What a pain" Astreria sighed to herself

"Honestly" Said a familiar voice

Astreria, a little shocked looked up, "Cedric!"

"Hello" He said in a sweet tone waving even though he was right in-front of her

"What are you doing here?" Astreria asked

"Im not sure actually, I guess I wanted to look around but then I found you!" He smiled

Astreria didn't know if she had a little thing for him or not but she knew for a fact he was handsome

"So, how about you?" He asked

"Im helping a friend of mine look for a book"

"Oh really can I help?" his eyes glistened

"Oh no im okay!!"

She really wanted to say yes but Harry and her are on the brick of having good terms again and she didn't want to ruin that 

"You sure?" He pouted

"Im sure, but next time I need help i'll let you know" Astreria patted his shoulder

"You'll owl me?"

Astreria laughed, "Yeah I will"

As he left Ron whispered yelled across the room

"We found it!"

Astreria ran across the library, to see the three of them waiting for her

"So lemme see"

"Righttt here" Hermione pointed



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