22| Braclet Business

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"Absolutely rubbish" Astreria plopped her body on her bed

"It's so not fair that they have an age restriction" She scoffed

"It's for our safety Ria" Padma open her bracelet box

"Still unfair" Astreria pouted

Looking at Padma's bracelet box it caught her eye, "What are you doing?"

"Bracelet making, it's my new hobby for now at least"

Then suddenly an Idea popped up in Astreria's head

"What if we make a bracelet making business, me, you, and luna if she would like to join of course"

Padma gave her a 'are you kidding' look, "your going mad, A bracelet business in hogwarts? Please"

"C'mon it'll be fun, with the whole big competition thing going on we can make so much, like we could make a color or a theme for each person in the match and everyone who is voting for each person can wear that bracelet! It's brilliant!" Astreria flashed her hand around

"Are you George and Fred now?" Padma laughed, "And even if your wonderul idea does work how are we supposed to make that match bracelets"

"Easy, magic"


"Bracelets?" Ron chuckled, "out of all the possible things you could think of, You could do better"

"Shut up Ginger" Astreria rolled her eyes, "c'mon guys hear me out"

"Well it is a smart idea, bracelets are a big thing and pretty popular, at the moment at least" Hermione said in her thinking voice

"I think your mad" Harry shrugged

"I don't remember asking Harry"

"just stating my opinion" He shrugged

"That was not needed" Astreria rolled her eyes

Hermione and Ron looked at each other and shrugged, "Anyways" Hermione tried to simmer the tension, "We can try it and see what happens"

"Thank you, your so supportive! Unlike some"

Harry rolled his eyes

As Astreria walked away from the trio Ron asked, "Harry, um what did you do"

"What do you mean what did I do?!" His voice pitch for higher as he said the sentence

"It's just that you two seemed you know a little bit annoyed with each other" Hermione shrugged

"Well it was a stupid idea"

"Doesn't mean you could be so rude about it" Hermione added abs looked at Ron while he shook his head in agreement

"Me? Rude? If there was a rude person here it was her"

"you know how defensive she is about things and your tone of voice" Ron defend her

"My-Tone? please"

Hermione and Ron nodded



"That doesn't sound like Harry at all" Padma said in a shocked tone

"Tell me about it" Astreria mumbled

"Maybe he just in a bad mood" Luna added while knitting a light blue sweater

"Maybe, still pissed me off tho" Astreria hugged her pillow

"Well Maybe-" Padma's words were interrupted by a knock on the door

Astreria slightly opens the door, "Hello?"

"Astreria?" A polite voice said

"Cedric?" She fully opened the door to see a brown haired boy with a goofy little smile

"What are you doing here?" Astreria asked

"I have my ways, per say" He smiled

Astreria slightly laughed, "is there something you-"



HELLO HELLO!! HAPPY VALENTINES <33 I'm single yk but whatever 😭

Who do you think said her name?? See you next time my angels <3

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