the search part 17

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Blast S-class rank 1
Y/N S-class rank 2
Tatsumaki S-class rank 3
Bang S-class rank 4
Atomic samurai S-class rank 5
Child Emperor S-class rank 6
Metal Knight S-class rank 7
King S-Class rank 8
Zombieman S-Class rank 9
Drive knight S-Class rank 10
Pig God S-Class rank 11
Superalloy Blackluster S-Class rank 12
Watchdog Man S-Class rank 13
Flashy Flash S-Class rank 14
Demon Cyborg S-Class rank 15
Tank top master S-Class rank 16
Metal Bat S-Class rank 17
Puri puri prisoner S-Class rank 18
Fubuki S-Class rank 19
Saitama S-Class rank 20
Alien A-class rank 2
Time skip 1 day

Tatsumaki; i haven't heard from Y/N and my sister so I went to their house I walk up to the door and it's wide open I run over to it I then see Y/N balled up crying "Y/N what's wrong come on let's get you inside"

Y/N; I get up and walk into the house I go sit on the couch.

Tatsumaki; I fly over and sit on the couch with him I put my hand on his shoulder "whats wrong talk to me it's okay"

Y/N; I turn over and hug her I am s-so s-sorry

Tatsumaki; I throw my arms around him comforting him "why are you sorry Y/N"

Y/N; "because F-Fubuki is G-GONE"

Tatsumaki; you are joking I say I throw him back on the couch I fly upstairs and see no one.

Y/N; Tatsumaki im sorry I start crying even more.

Tatsumaki; I fly back down I go back and sit on the couch.

Y/N; "a being took her it was 8 feet tall they both vanished before I could grab Fubuki I said crying"

Tatsumaki; "Y/N you stay at home and get some rest your friend alien will be coming to see you" I then get up and hug Y/N and leave I go back to base have a huge meeting we all start the search

Alien; "its gonna be okay bro they will find her"

Y/N; "Yeah I know"

Day 7

Y/N; "I am scared Tatsumaki"

Tatsumaki; "i am too but listen she wants us to be strong so STOP WITH THE BS"

Y/N; "I am sorry I'm just scared" I start thinking wait I can teleport but it is risky I don't know if I can beat the being with one good arm I have to let my arm heal.

Alien; "You are gonna be just fine we will find her sooner or later"

Y/N; "I just don't know if she's gonna be okay"

Alien; just STOP Y/N! You need to its gonna effect you

Time skip night time

Lily; I keep on getting mad at this being for taking fubuki away from me its time  for me to hurt him I pick the doors lock I open the door I slowly walk over to the bed I then see him I look at him up and down I walk over and I grab his broken arm this is what you get I start twisting

Y/N; I wake up i yell i kick the person back "WHO ARE YOU"

Alien; I run down stairs and I see a girl I decided to let Y/N handle it.

Lily; I charge at him with my weapon i hit his broken arm.

Y/N; I grab her weapon and break it I then moved behind her at a fast speed i pushed her onto the bed "What do you want"

Lily; "you took away fubuki"

Y/N; I am sorry but shes my wife now and we live together but right now I have people searching for her a being took her"

Lily; "im sorry for attacking you i am just confused and I wanted Fubuki to come back so i acted to try and get her back by attacking you im sorry" I look up at him I then realized that he looks so much hotter then anyone I've ever seen I then blush and look away "I got to go Y/N here's my number call me if you need anything" I then winked at him.

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