part 23

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Y/n; I clean my self up and I clean her up we then get in the bed fully clothed

Fubuki; "I'm happy you choose me y/n I wouldn't be where I am today without you by my side the day I met you was the day I found true love"

Y/n; "i will always choose you because I wanted to make your life better I wanted you to be happy I wanted you to have someone to look up to I wanted to show you what true love is I never liked seeing you sad when I watched you on my TV at home I know you have always had a beautiful side to you the side I always knew was the one who always wanted more power and gain numbers in your Fubuki group but when I met you I knew your true intentions wasn't any of that I knew you was always sad and broken and I known for a fact you hated the way your sister controlled you to do things I wanted to change your life for the better."

Fubuki; "y/n"

Y/n; "Yes Fubuki"

Fubuki; I hug him "thank you for coming into my life I have really enjoyed being with you"

Y/n; "Fubuki you are special I have never been so happy in my life even when I dated females in my world I felt like I was always missing something even when I was dating Amethyst I still didn't feel like I was truly in love but when I came across you the first time we slept in the bed I felt like myself I felt happy Fubuki without you I wouldn't be where I am now I wouldn't have powers I wouldn't have a home I wouldn't be happy without you"

Fubuki; "y-y/n s-stop you are making me cry"

Y/n; "Fubuki I really want to be with you forever I want nothing more in my life other then you" I hug her crying thank you Fubuki for being you"

At amethyst  house

Lily; "hi Amethyst my name is Lily"

Amethyst; "hi nice to meet you Lily"

Lily; "May I come in"

Amethyst; "Of course you can."

Lily; "I have had a grudge against y/n dating fubuki because I want to date him"

Amethyst; I never liked Fubuki I meet y/n way before he met her and he choose her over me"

Lily; "I care about Fubuki and all but I just don't like them being together"

Amethyst; "I don't know what to do anymore I can't stop Fubuki and y/n I tried to hurt y/n for choosing her but it completely back fired he just ripped my whip a part"

Lily; "I have an idea we are going to see Tatsumaki"

Amethyst; "okay"

At Tatsumaki place

Alien; "I love you"

Tatsumaki; "I love you more"

Doorbells rings

Alien; "I will get it" I open the door "Lily, Amethyst?"

Amethyst; "I came here because I have a massive grudge against Fubuki dating y/n"

Lily; I dislike their relationship

Tatsumaki; "come inside"

Amethyst; "we all sit in the living room I just dont know how to stop their relationship I've tried everything and nothing works I came to you because I dont have anymore ideas"

Tatsumaki; "I have a few but I know they won't work because y/n is super protective over Fubuki wait unless we go to the clone y/n and clone Alien"

Amethyst; "perfect"

All 4 of them left

Alien; I look at lily I whisper in her ear "We have got to warn them I don't care if this is my lover I am not going to the clones they are dangerous if me and you don't warn them and they get killed the clones will turn on us and kill us"

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