part 32 power gain

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Y/n; I see Fubuki fall to the floor I come out I run over to her I flip her over and blood is going down her face and blood coming out of her mouth I pick her up I run out side I get into a car I drive back to our house I run upstairs holding Fubuki I lay her on my bed

Fubuki; I look up at y/n

Y/n; I look at her I put my hands around this collar but it doesn't budge I get my knife and gently slip in under her collar "let me know if I'm hurting you"

Fubuki; "I will"

Y/n; I start trying to cut it I keep cutting I then realize it's not cutting it I pull the knife from under neath her collar and my blade is very dull it was sharp before "it didnt work it just made my knife dull"

Fubuki; I sit up I hug y/n "it's okay we can find another way to take them off"

Y/n; I can't help but smile "I'm glad I can look up to you. I always knew you was a great leader you always have known what to do when everything gets tough I always knew you had it in you and I love you for that"

Fubuki; "I um..."

Y/n; "you are the best leader I have ever seen you are an amazing role model"

Fubuki; I start shaking uncontrollably I feel my heart beating fast.

Y/n; I notice her reaction to what I said I throw my arms around her "its okay it's gonna be okay"

Fubuki; my face gets very hot

Y/n; I let go of Fubuki I get off the bed "Fubuki?"

All of a sudden

Y/n; I see a bright light I cover my eyes "Fubuki" I see the light dies down I uncover my face I instantly froze in place I couldn't speak I looked her up and down

Y/n; I see a bright light I cover my eyes "Fubuki" I see the light dies down I uncover my face I instantly froze in place I couldn't speak I looked her up and down

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Fubuki; I feel different I open my eyes I see y/n's shocked expression "y/n what is it" he doesn't answer I walk up to him

Y/n; my face is getting extremely hot I see her walk up to me I start shaking I then I stutter out "Y-you c-changed y-your b-body"

Fubuki; "let me look" I walk into the bathroom I instantly freeze I look at my new look and I look so hot and realistic"

Y/n; I slowly walk to the bath room "I think you l-look so much more s-sexy" I instantly cover my mouth

Fubuki; my face gets warm I look at
Y/n I run over and tackle him to the bed "I really enjoy having you with me all you do is make my life perfect you've made all my troubles disappear everything I struggled in has disappeared because of you and I really appreciate you y/n you are the only person I will never leave"

Y/n; I smile "You have made me change too I used to be a cunt to people I hated people i was in and out of jail but when I teleported and met you I changed myself I wanted to get a chance to live a better life and I wanted to start over I wanted a chance to be with you"

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