part 31

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Time skip 9 months later after y/n disappeared Fubuki is looking after her little one named yubuki

Fubuki; "I really wonder what happened to y/n"

Alien; "I do too"

Y/n; "Fubuki?"

Fubuki; I turn around in a instant I walk up to him I try to hug him but I walk right through him "y/n?"

Y/n; "I'm sorry I left you 9 months ago

Fubuki; "Why aren't you here why can't I touch you"

Y/n; I look down "I have to stay this way until I can figure out how to control my power I don't want to hurt you this is the reason why I have disappeared"

Fubuki;  "I have just been lonely without you here"

Y/n; "I know you have I just don't want to harm you or the baby"

Fubuki; I stare right at him "y/n I want you back here I will teleport with you Alien and Tatsumaki will take care of the baby I am gonna help you I don't care if you are scared you will hurt me I am gonna help you beat this"

Y/n; I sign my hologram goes away I teleport back I am struggling to hold it in

Fubuki; I walk up to him "Alien take good care of yubuki"

Alien; "I will I promise"

Fubuki; I turn back and look at y/n I see he's weak from holding his powers back I lay my hand gently on his face "I will take care of you" I teleport him to my world

Y/n; "I can't hold it much longer I have been holding it back when I was on the hologram I can't hold it back for long periods of time"

Fubuki; I grab him by the hands "its gonna be okay"

Y/n; I stop talking I get on my knees

Fubuki; I get on my knees too he then forcefully pushes me away

Y/n; "I have too protect you I got to hold it back come on" I strain to hold my body from getting up but It was stronger then me It makes me get up I look at Fubuki teary eyed I use all my strength to not attack her but It wasn't enough "Fubuki your w-wings"

Fubuki; I knew he was trying his best to stop it but it wasn't enough I turned my wings into metal I put them infront of me like a shield

Y/n; gaaaaaaaaaahhh I jump forward and hit her wings I tried to hold back my blow

Fubuki; he hit my wings it hurt

Y/n; "Fubuki my power is taking over my body I am trying my best to hold back"

Fubuki; I uncover my shield I jump on him I wrap my arms around him "I will always love you no matter what"

Y/n; I use all my strength to transfer some of my power to her

Fubuki; I instantly feel myself getting stronger I tighten my arms around    y/n

Y/n; I then felt my arms wrap around her I felt them tighten alot I knew I couldn't stop me arms I then accidentally send all my powers to Fubuki

BOOOOOOMM they both get blown apart

Y/n; I get up I run over to Fubuki "are you okay"

Fubuki; "Yeah im good"

Y/n; I lend my hand out

Fubuki; I grab his hand but instead of me going up y/n gets pulled down

Y/n; 😯 "woah"

Fubuki; I catch him with my wings

Y/n; I smile

Fubuki; "for some reason I can handle your power"

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