part 27 revenge

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Alien; I look at Fubuki I walk over to her but before I got there she made me freeze i couldn't move I look at her I see a red aura starting to glow she clenched her fists

Fubuki; "if I don't come back i will make a portal to a beautiful place so it was an honor meeting all of you but I must handle him on my own"

Saitama; I speed at her to grab her but she teleports to quick

Fubuki; I see the evil Saitama I stomp my feet "you are gonna pay for what you did to y/n"

EvilSaitama; I hit her.

Fubuki; I use his attack against him I grab his arm and made his punch him himself.

EvilSaitama; I get hit I stumble back i charge and go to hit her but I jumped behind her "SERIOUS SERIES DEATH PUNCH" I hit her she get hit into the ground

Fubuki; I feel myself getting weaker I jump up I block his attack I kick him

Back in hell

Y/n; I feel myself get unpainted again this time I knew why I walk up to the devil

Devil; well well well look who we have here y/n then trys to hit me

Y/n; my eyes widen he catches my attack he throws me to the ground I get up I get mad I teleport behind him "SERIOUS SERIES DEATH DRAGON FIST" my attack hits him this time he starts bleeding his bone came out of his neck he then slumped over I then cut his head off I cut his eyes out I go inside his head I put my hand on his brain I then teleport back

Teleport successful

Y/n; I open my eyes and I am back in my body I then realize that no one's here I feel myself hurt even more I get up i realize I'm in Fubuki's world I create a portal to Fubuki

Teleport complete

Fubuki; I start losing consciousness I see EvilSaitama walk up to me and say DEATH PUNCH I close my eyes but I felt no pain

Y/n; I run and hit EvilSaitama back I get infront of Fubuki

Fubuki; I open my eyes and see y/n I freeze I see EvilSaitama hit y/n but he doesn't move

Y/n; I spit blood onto the ground I laugh "you really think you can kill me this time well im not gonna let you I am not gonna let you kill my future wife" I hit him back "fubuki teleport and get Alien I need him"

Fubuki; I teleport and grab Alien and Tatsumaki I teleport back "okay now what"

Y/n; "let's fuse all 4 of us"

Alien; "do what"

Tatsumaki; I hold my hand out

Fubuki; "just shut it" I grab Alien's hand I grab y/n's hand and Tatsumaki hand

All 4 fused

Y/n; haha jump and hit EvilSaitama at Insane speed.

EvilSaitama; I get sent through the moon and hit Mars I jump off Mars and land back on earth "you really think that would kill me haha"

Y/n; I turn my head and hes back I run up behind him I hit him on his head

EvilSaitama; I grab his arm and slam him into the ground I start beating the pure shit out of him

Fubuki; okay two can play at that game I control y/n I catch EvilSaitama fist I slam him into the ground I then kick him in the balls using all my strength

EvilSaitama; I wheeze in pain I get up I grab y/n by the throat he tries to get loose but it's no use

Fubuki; "Everyone else stay fused with y/n I need to make him let go of y/n"

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