Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V

Nothing is going right.

Niall doesn't know who I am? He doesn't know what I mean to him, What he means to me! I can't even talk to him properly coz he thinks that I'm a stranger!

It's been weeks since Niall's accident happened and I have to talk to him!

I hadn't talk to anyone lately coz I was in shock still. The boys have wanted to talk to me and contact me, but I just ignore them coz I can't still believe that Niall remembers everyone and everything! BUT ME! Why does this have to happen to me?

I think I should go and check up on Niall to see how he's doing. Me and Niall have our own flat together but because Niall doesn't know I'm his boyfriend and he thinks that Liam is then looks like Niall's gona be living with Liam there for a while and I don't like that one bit! I'm not jealous I just... don't...lik- FINE! I'm jealous.....!

I just can't see Niall with someone else. It just doesn't feel right to me. I need him by my side to make me feel safe, I need him to share my feelings with, I need him to give me the best hugs which he does and last of all I need him to love him.


*At Harry and Niall's apartment*


'Ding Dong' the bell rang.

"Oh, Hi Harry! What you doing here?" Liam said answering the door. This was mine and Niall's apartment, what does he mean what in doing here? I live here and he- oh wait.... I forgot that Niall has f-forgotten me....

"I-I came to visit Ni- You" I replied to him without thinking.

"Me or your boyfriend?" Liam asked me as he put a grin on his face.

"Just shut up and let me in 'my' apartment." I said to Liam in his face. I thought what I had just said to Liam and it was quiet rude...

 "Okay..." Liam said closing the door with a sad face but when I turned around to look at him he looked like he understood what I was going through, because he knew how it felt when you like someone and they don't like you back or they don't know your feelings for them.

I don't know if Liam had told anyone this besides me but, he said that he sort of had confusing feelings for Zayn..

I mean like Liam told me he liked Zayn, Very Much! But he felt confused because sometimes he got butterflies in his stomach when Liam got near Zayn and sometimes he felt nothing.

So basically.... I love Niall when Niall thinks he's dating Liam when he is not and Liam doesn't like the fact that Niall and him are fake dating because Niall thinks they are and Liam likes Zayn, I like Niall and Niall likes Liam because Niall thinks Liam and him are dating WHEN THEY ARE NOT!!!

For some reason when I talk to Louis and say Liam's name in front of him then he just goes in his own little world. I sometimes don't really understand Louis!

I walked into the room Niall was in bed and he had his eyes wide open staring at the celling.

The floor board was a bit squeaky so I came towards Niall's bed, the floor squeaked causing Niall to look at me.

I had missed his delicate blue eyes, his amazing smile that made my heart melt for him.  I had missed so much! I could see a sparkle in his eyes but it would've probably been for Liam.... I just... I haven't been upset like this every in my life!

"Hi.....Harry is it?" Niall spoke in his thick Irish accent. I loved his accent soooo much! Actually I think I love everything about him! He's my everything! I can't live without him! If he dies, I die. I can do anything for him. Even if it means s-staying away from Niall, I'll do it!

It's like I've been away from Niall for about 10 months, but it's only been a few weeks. I really missed his voice, his face, his eyes, his lips....

Liam could tell I was daydreaming that's why he nudged his elbow at me to tell me to stop. I just realise Niall had been waiting for an answer and I hadn't still answered him.

"Err... Y-yeah that's my name!..." I said to Niall looking directly at him with fake excitement in the sentence. 

Niall was happy.....

Without me..

I guess I don't belong in his life anymore...

I as I was about to leave Niall's bedroom and go to the living room, Niall said something that I just didn't feel was right.

"Babe, can you get me some tea or coffee? I'm feeling cold and I need something to warm me up!" Niall asked. But instead of looking at me, he...looked at Liam. Which really broke me into pieces. Niall is mine and no one else's. I love him and he is mine. I'm not sharing him with anyone! And actually why is Niall calling Liam bab-- Wait... That's right now Niall and Liam were dating.. Well not dating, 'fake' dating. 

I kept on forgetting that Niall was no longer mine.

I felt jealously rise up my body and end at my cheeks which were buring red!

I felt like breaking everything. Banging the wall, Break the glass window, Throw plates on the floor. 

Liam just nodded and was about to go off to the kitchen, when I stopped him.

"Liam wait! I'll go make Niall some tea." Liam didn't say nothing. He just nodded and stood on the side so I could exit the room but before I could go anywhere Niall stopped me.

"Harry... If you don't mind, I'd like Liam to make it for me and not you because I don't really know you that well.." Niall spoke as soon as I was about to leave the room. I stood in front of Niall's bed and Liam went off to the kitchen to make Niall some tea. 

I was quiet upset about the fact that Niall didn't want me to make him tea but on the other side, this was the perfect time to talk to Niall, alone.

I stared into Niall's blue angel eyes, and he stared back. I gave him a small smile and so did he. Niall touched me hand and I could feel all these little sparks everywhere in my body, I got goose bumps and everything. 

I took a deep breath and thinking of how to start of this conversation with Niall.

Technically, this was my first time talking to Niall in private after the accident. 

And same goes for Niall, he probably doesn't remember me talking to him so this is the first time for him. 

I had everything figured out in my mind of what to say to him but, just didn't know how to say it...

I closed my eyes, and opened them 2 minutes later, finally revelling what to say.

"So.. Niall, I want to be good friend with you and for that to happen I need you to tell me things you do, things you like and I can tell you things about me as well! What do you think about that idea?" I said to Niall after our long romantic staring contest. I hope his response was positive.


Sorry I haven't updated this story in a lonngggg while!

I was busy with other stuff

It's FINALLY snowing heavily in London!!!!!!!!


So, back to this chapter. I don't really think anything 'really' good happens in this chapter but in the next chapter maybe there will be more drama. 

Hope you liked this chapter and...




Enjoy life!


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